jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Learning landscapes: stories, senses and sensitization

Landscape studies have recently seen a plethora of works elaborating a phenomenological approach to landscape experience, emphasizing the embodied and affective dimensions of being in and moving through places. These studies have displaced the dominance of a more constructivist approach, in which landscape experience was understood to be essentially mediated by pre-existing images and discourses. Phenomenological theorising has been criticised, however, for being unable to conceptualise the power relations and pre-configurations of experience that link the affective to wider socio-cultural and economic spheres. 

VI Autumn Conference of the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory

University of Tartu, Estonia
October 30 – November 1, 2013 


The aim of this panel is to explore the scope for a constructive dialogue among different methodologies of understanding landscapes. In particular, we attempt to find ways of bridging the gap between embodied and mediated-constructional approaches to learning landscape. Recently, this tension has been addressed in writings discussing the multiplicity of landscape interfaces and labelled as post-phenomenological, material-semiotic, post-structuralist, more-than-human, etc. We would like to take this forward by probing into the relationships between the ‘stories’ (representations, narratives and performances), ‘senses’ (embodied experience) and ‘sensitization’ (attuning of experience in relation to particular discourses) involved in coming to know landscapes. 

We invite empirical and theoretical contributions that develop an understanding of landscape experience grounded in the interplay of structural and phenomenological approaches. 
- How do people ‘learn’ landscapes? What role does directly experiencing these landscapes play in this process? 
- In what material and discursive processes is landscape learning situated? 
- How are stories and representations about landscapes negotiated with sensual engagement? 
- In what ways are direct landscape experiences sensitized before and after the event? 
- How is embodied involvement in landscape, through work, residency or leisure, informed simultaneously by seemingly incommensurate perspectives, including those of maps, images and direct sensual perception? 

We expect papers that elaborate these theoretical questions based on a range of empirical material including, for example, GIS-based studies of landscape sensing, experimental physical and cognitive approaches, affectual/emotional experiences, studies of landscape imagination, pedagogical research, and landscape planning and management. 

Organisers of the panel: Franz Krause, Kadri Semm (CECT landscape studies); Raili Nugin, Tarmo Pikner (CECT cultural studies); Tiit Remm (CECT semiotics)

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¡All this congress smell to senses and sensosphere too!


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