miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Anestesia, Masturbación y Chile bien Picante

Accesible a través de la base de datos de SCOPUS

Inverse relationship between intensity of vaginal
self-stimulation-produced analgesia and level of chronic intake of a
dietary source of capsaicin
Abstract + Refs Locate full-text (opens in new window) Hide Abstract
Whipple, B., Martinez-Gomez, M., Oliva-Zarate, L., Pacheco, P.,
Komisaruk, B.R. 1989 Physiology and Behavior 46 (2), pp. 247-252 5

Women who chronically ingest a diet rich in capsaicin, the pungent
ingredient in hot chili peppers, showed a significantly lower
magnitude of analgesia in response to vaginal self-stimulation than
women with relatively low or medium levels of ingestion. Vaginal
self-stimulation-produced analgesia was quantified by measuring (on
the hand) pain detection thresholds, pain tolerance thresholds and
tactile thresholds. Whereas vaginal self-stimulation produced a
32.6-43.8% increase in pain detection and pain tolerance thresholds in
the low chili diet group, it produced only a 2.3-7.3% increase in
these measures in the high chili diet group. The medium chili diet
group showed an intermediate effect on the pain thresholds. Tactile
thresholds were not increased by the vaginal self-stimulation.
Baseline (no stimulation) pain thresholds did not differ significantly
among the three groups. These findings are consistent with earlier
studies in laboratory rats, in which capsaicin administered neonatally
abolished vaginal stimulation-produced analgesia, but did not affect
baseline pain thresholds to mechanostimulation.

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