miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Abduction and Occam´s razor



[PDF] On the Mechanization of Abductive Logic.

HE Pople - IJCAI, 1973 - pdf.aminer.org
... on the basis of two or more of the data making up the conjunctive observation being explained;
the more data accounted for by a candidate hypothesis, the more highly regarded it is by the
abduction processor. This is our Implementation of the maxim of Occam's Razor, ...

Multiple decision trees

SW Kwok, C Carter - arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.2363, 2013 - arxiv.org
... He also points out that the prior must incorporate Occam's Razor because of the observation
that simple trees are superior, and because simple trees ... If it is fairly flat (so there are many rules
of equal posterior probability) then the abduction approach of choosing one rule may ...

[CITAS] The role of coherence in constructing and evaluating abductive explanations

HT Ng, RJ Mooney - … , AAAI Spring Symposium on Automated Abduction, …, 1990

[PDF] On the Role of Coherence in Abductive Explanation3

HT Ng, RJ Mooney - 1990 - cs.utexas.edu
... 3.1 Occam's Razor Isn't Sharp Enough Most previous research on abduction, whether applied
to plan recognition, language understanding, disease diagnosis, or physical device diagnosis,
only uses \Oc- cam's Razor", ie the simplicity criterion, as the ba- sis for selecting the ...

Working notes of the 1990 spring symposium on automated abduction

P O'Rorke - 1990 - DTIC Document
... Ng, HT, & Mooney, RJ (1989). Occam's Razor isn't sharp enough: The importance I of coherence
in abductive explanation. Proreedings of the Second AAAI Workshop on Plan Recognition. Detroit,
MI. I I Page 17. I I O'Rorke, P.(1988). Automated abduction and machine learning. ...

Weighted abduction for plan ascription

DE Appelt, ME Pollack - User modeling and user-adapted interaction, 1992 - Springer
... may play the role of the assumption set A. For example, if {P} is an assumption set for a given
abduction problem, then so is ... Most abductive reasoning systems have incorporated some sort
of"Occam's Razor" principle to reject the latter assumption sets in favor of the former. ...

Abduction, experience, and goals: A model of everyday abductive explanation

DB Leake - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial …, 1995 - Taylor & Francis
... In abduction systems this evaluation is normally based solely on plausibility estimates,
often using structural criteria based on Occam's razor; we contrast this method to the
similarity- and experience-based methods of case-based explanation. ...

Integrating abduction and induction in machine learning

RJ Mooney - Abduction and Induction, 2000 - Springer
... In both cases, following Occam's Razor, it is preferred that H be kept as small and simple as
possible. Despite their limitations, these formal definitions encompass a significant fraction of
the existing research on abduction and induction, and the syntactic constraints on H capture ...

A statistical semantics for causation

J Pearl, TS Verma - Statistics and Computing, 1992 - Springer
... at- tributed to hidden causes test we violate ~one of the basic maxims of scientific methodology:
the semantical version of Occam's razor. ... Pearl, J. (1990) Probabilistic and qualitative abduction,
in Pro- ceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Abduction, Stanford, March 27-29, pp ...

[PDF] Distinguishing abduction and induction under intensional complexity

J Hernández-Orallo, I García-Varea - … '98 Workshop on Abduction …, 1998 - users.dsic.upv.es
... 6 introduces the necessity of weights, costs or prob- abilities to select from all the possible
abductions. ... Section 8 relates abduction with meaning and intelli- gence. ... The principle of simplicity,
represented by Occam's razor, selects the shortest hypothesis as the most plausible one ...
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