martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Günther Witzany. Life: The communicative structure

[BOOK] Life: The communicative structure

G Witzany - 2000 -
Witzany, Günther: Life: the communicative structure: a new philosophy of biology/ Günther
Witzany. Übers.: Michael Stachowitsch. - Bürmoos, Vogelsangstraße 18c: G. Witzany, 2000
([Norderstedt] : [Libri Books on Demand]) Einheitssacht.: Natur der Sprache - Sprache der ...

[CITATION] Bio-Communication

G Witzany - 2007 - Umweb Publications

Natural genome-editing competences of viruses

G Witzany - Acta Biotheoretica, 2006 - Springer
ABSTRACT It is becoming increasingly evident that the driving forces of evolutionary novelty
are not randomly derived chance mutations of the genetic text, but a precise genome editing
by omnipresent viral agents. These competences integrate the whole toolbox of natural ...

Noncoding RNAs: persistent viral agents as modular tools for cellular needs

G Witzany - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
It appears that all the detailed steps of evolution stored in DNA that are read, transcribed,
and translated in every developmental and growth process of each individual cell depend
on RNA-mediated processes, in most cases interconnected with other RNAs and their ...

[CITATION] The Logos of the Bios 1: Contributions to the Foudation of Three-leveled Biosemiotics

G Witzany - 2006 - Umweb Publications

Serial endosymbiotic theory (SET): the biosemiotic update

G Witzany - Acta Biotheoretica, 2006 - Springer
ABSTRACT The Serial Endosymbiotic Theory explains the origin of nucleated eukaryotic cells
by a merg- ing of archaebacterial and eubacterial cells. The paradigmatic change is that the
driving force behind evolution is not ramification but merging. Lynn Margulis describes ...

Plant communication from biosemiotic perspective

G Witzany - Plant signaling & behavior, 2006 -
Abstract: As in all organisms, the evolution, development and growth of plants depends on
the success of complex communication processes. These communication processes are
primarily sign-mediated interactions and not simply an exchange of information. They ...

[CITATION] Natural genetic engineering and natural genome editing

G Witzany - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell

[PDF] Explaining and understanding LIFE

Jesper Hoffmeyer shows us the direction of one of the next fundamental changes of
paradigms in the history of science. In his intention to explain life processes in the light of
semiotics he has gone beyond established biological mainstreams. He recognized, that ...

[CITATION] Natur der Sprache-Sprache der Natur

G Witzany - 1993 - Königshausen & Neumann

  1. Biocommunication - About - welcome
    From 1987 to 1990 I developed a THEORY OF COMMUNICATIVE NATURE > Living Nature is structured and organised by language and communication within ...
  2. Günther Witzany – Wikipediaünther_Witzany
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    Günther Witzany (* 25. August 1953 in .... Literatur von und über Günther Witzany im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek · Website von Günther Witzany ...
  3. Philosopy - Biosemiotic
    Explaining and understanding LIFE. The biosemiotic model and some suggestions in the light of pragmatics of language.
  4. [PDF]

    Bio-communication of Plants Günther Witzany telos ...
    by G Witzany - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles
    Dec 15, 2007 - Bio-communication of Plants. Günther Witzany telos – Philosophische Praxis. Vogelsangstraße 18c, A-5111-Bürmoos, Austria
  5. Images for "Günther Witzany"

     - Report images
  6. Günther Witzany: Life: The Communicative Structure - a new ...
    by C Emmeche - ‎2002 - ‎Related articles
    Mar 19, 2010 - Ed. by Haraldsson, Robert H. / Johansson, Ingvar / Recki, Birgit / Verbeek, Peter-Paul / Serck-Hanssen, Camilla / Timmermann, Jens / Wallgren, ...
  7. Günther Witzany: Books
    11 Results - Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms (Soil Biology) by Günther Witzany (Kindle Edition - Nov. 1, 2010) - Kindle eBook. Pricing information not ...
  8. Feedback from Mag. Dr. Günther Witzany, ARGE Biosemiotic ...
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    Dr. Günther Witzany Mag. Dr. Günther Witzany. " The 6th international Bio- semiotics Congress at St. Virgil close to Salzburg was until now the best organised ...
  9. Life, the Communicative Structure: A New Philosophy of Biology ...
    Front Cover. Günther Witzany · 0 Reviews G. Witzany, 2000 ...
  10. [PDF]

    Bio-communication of Plants Günther Witzany telos ... - CORE
    Günther Witzany telos – Philosophische Praxis. Vogelsangstraße 18c, A-5111-Bürmoos, Austria Abstract. Plants communicate with a great ...
  11. Günther Witzany (Author of Natur Der Sprache, Sprache Der Natur)
    Günther Witzany is the author of Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2010), Biocommunication of Plan.

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