sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Bigger Environmental Anthropology Bibliography

Hi Everybody,

I used the Eanth.org archive and added to the Big Bibliography
(most of) the references offered to the listserve during the
period from the beginning of the Eanth list in 1998 to when I
entered in July 2002. It now covers the period from 1998 to the
end of 2008. If you're interested, it can be downloaded from:


On another note, something that I've recognized in the past few
years is that EANTH-L is like a stage with an audience of over
a thousand. It is very easy for people to get into face-saving
arguments that would not happen if you were talking with them
one-on-one. Just imagine you and your interlocutors standing on
that stage in that auditorium...


Joseph Shead
 -- The larger the time-scale, the more chickens there are
    roosting on it.

eanth-l@listserv.uga.edu - A forum for discussing ecology and
the environment in anthropology and related social sciences.
For more information, or to unsubscribe, visit our website at

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