Artículos académicos para Subjectivity & Objectivity | |
Subjectivity and objectivity: An objective inquiry - Phillips - Citado por 141 |
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Objectivity [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
www.iep.utm.edu/objectiv/ - Traducir esta páginade DH Mulder - 2004 - Citado por 4 - Artículos relacionados
6 Sep 2004 – Objectivity. The terms “objectivity” and “subjectivity,” in their modern usage, generally relate to a perceiving subject (normally a person) and a ...Subjectivity and Objectivity - Pinkstuff
pinkstuff.publication.org.uk/~neil/.../SubObj.htm... - Traducir esta páginaThere seems to be a great deal of confusion today as to what the terms 'subjective' and 'objective' actually mean. Many people seem to think that ' objective' ... Objectivity (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectivity_(philosophy) - Traducir esta páginaObjectivity is a central philosophical concept which has been variously defined ... doxa, and subjective knowledge (true belief), distinctions which Plato makes. ...Subjectivity/Objectivity: Entry
host.uniroma3.it/progetti/kant/field/suob.htm - Traducir esta páginaMany philosophical issues concern questions of objectivity and subjectivity. Of these questions, there are two kinds. The first considers whether something is ...Objective + Subjective
www.englishbiz.co.uk/popups/objectivity.htm - Traducir esta páginaOBJECTIVITY & SUBJECTIVITY The difference between these two important ideas is the difference between fact and opinion. Facts are objective and provably ...Thinking Critically about the Subjective-Objective Distinction
instruct.westvalley.edu/.../subjecti... - Estados Unidos - Traducir esta páginaIn other words, if you're careless about how you handle the concepts of subjectivityand objectivity, you can end up saying there's no such thing as morality, ...Nature of Subjectivity and Objectivity: « khuram
khuram.wordpress.com/.../nature-of-subjectivity-... - Traducir esta página30 Aug 2006 – Subjectivity and Objectivity: All our knowledge and experience can be classified into only two categories i.e. subjectivity and objectivity. So we ...Subjectivity and Objectivity - A.H. Almaas
www.ahalmaas.com/Glossary/s/subjectivity.htm - Traducir esta páginaSubjectivity and Objectivity. So to summarize, we can say that subjectivity means that our approach is dominated or influenced by our personality's positions, ...Difference Between Objective and Subjective | Difference Between ...
www.differencebetween.net/.../difference-betwee... - Traducir esta páginaAdmittedly not everybody fully understand the terminology, hence why I'm here to clarify the difference between objectivity and subjectivity! But I think that is a bit ...defining subjectivity and objectivity (1 of 2) - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh7jCQEuHbM16 Feb 2008 - 8 min - Subido por pyrrho314
I like wukdar, but I respond in an appropriate tone to his admonition. I really hate when people refer to ...
comenting: http://knowledge-ecology.com/2011/12/05/knowledge-ecology-turns-one/
ResponderEliminarYes, Knowledge is ecological, in nature, because we actualy are animals, living beings, moving and living across ecosystems. Maturana and Varela say: "Living is Learning, Learning is Living". If our senses are always alive, we are always living, learning, knowing, and changing; all that within ecosystems. In that way, ecosystem merges as the main focus, in actual scientific revolution. "Structural Coupling", from these authors, refers to actual sensorial entanglement, connecting us within ecosystem. As ecosystem is a producer of information, and or, sensations, any approach to subjectivity must take in account, forcefully, the ecosystem, just because ecosystem is participating, and shaping, with those inputs, your thinking, your language, and your actions. Shaman or eastern contemplation makes you aware, and responsible! of our ecosystem connections, and interdependences! But is all the body who knows. In that sense, intelectual argumentations could be complemented by body activities, in order to achieve that state of fussion, mistical, allowing to a change in our scientific opinions... Thanks My brothers!