jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Google and her Radykal-Realistik-Optimism

I made two question to our camarada google, in google chrome.

Google, at my first looking of the results (in o,39 seconds), showed no results about my direct question.

Okey, but... google discover, for me, because our mutual confidence, and the resulting very high frequency of google searchs in my own, an interesting sample of (for me) new tools, that make automatically, that my old particular interest, expressed thru my particular question, is going to a seconday plane, becoming, in minutes, of very secondary interest, because now, with these new symbiotic, global tools, developped by global community, I can surely increase many of my own desires related with to make more similar and interchangeable, facebook, and other n menos una , twitter, etc, networks; after some years enjoying the easy management of blogger blogs, i would like these new tools, we call social networks, would have, at least, the minimal tools of a blogger tool...

AND i FIND THE FOLLOWING (among other results)

The radical realistic optimism from google is born, as all human creativity, in gaya, earth, or and ecosystem, or life (and living with!) CrEaTiViTy...

Creativity tend to be optimist, as recreates the own creativity heart, we have, or we are, as being mmembers of that greater corprations we could call life, living (in a more dynamic way), or Gaya or Gaya. We like to call gaya, more than gaia, because gaia is a greek godess, and prefer spell with greek "Y", also, above all scientific or linguistic considerations, for to have more present this vision about the planet as planet within humans, and humans within planet...

Gaya is optimism "la onstiah!, just you would imagine all the individuals of only one species of bacteria, protestictas, animales, plantas, hongos, virus, vriones, or vacas locas agents, becoming to reproductive age, surviving all of them, and allllllllllllllllll the other species and individuals in the planet, would go surely to look for another planet for living...

The falacia of a finite planet, still nested in general in human ecologists, is in their historcal turn, nested within the symplectic basis of christian rooted western philosophy.

This symplectic thought, another kind of epistemological worshippping, call that we humans, are finite creatures; and God (or and Nature) is, on the other side, a infinite creature.

In shamanism (fenomenología: experiencia propia compartida), you stay in a ceremony with colleagues trees and many others within nature, and you say to your camarada, greetings and shaking your hands: "YOU ARE GOd", and your camarada, shaking still your hands, says: 2YOU ARE GOD".

tHIS MATHEMATICAL EQUATION WOULD CONTINUE across maya, INLAKESH, alakesh, THAT MEANS: Yo soy tú y tu eres yo, you are mi and me are yu;

mirror neurons demonstrates scientificaly that: 21th scientific revolution, thru mirror neurons alone, says us that we are a neurological community, we are not two individuals sharing something sometimes, but dynamic particpants joint thru the adventure of living, and with ather still a little hidden (from our everyday thoughts and language) that are all the miriad of these living ecosystems, or eco brains, surrounding you and building, sensationaly you, and me, any second divided by ten, for example...

Thus, if gaya is so optimism and people out from homo sapiens and west, are still so savage as optimism, as it's late for being pesimists, plis, western remember that we are not alone in our crisis, we share that gift of life, within a humankind very far from US or EU, and within, say, thirty millions of species-colleagues, sustaining to you as you are sustaining them too, in this symbiotic humankind and planet. look at them and feel them, and observe them, they are also inside the cities, for example, rebel botany, are the plants not planned by institutional gardens, but they grow there so freely, only you may re discover them, and say us what you have met, at the same time, that in the process, you will met you too, as a living, and thus sensorial being, catching maybe a trillion (from EU) bits any second...

Maybe yu can accept that yu are not an infinite being. Maybe yu can say yu ar infinitum less one, (infinite - 1!, good name for a red social 0.0!) and the ortodoxia mathematica will be more quiet

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