sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Car Mania. A critical history of Transport

LIBRO] Car mania

W Wolf - 1996 - books.google.com
Road passenger and freight transport in Europe and North America is increasing at an alarming rate, and it is the view of many people that we are reaching a point where the environment will be damaged beyond repair. This study of this impending crisis in the ...

Car culture and global environmental politics

M Paterson - Review of International Studies, 2000 - Cambridge Univ Press
... For a selection of works focusing on such aspects of the car (from diverse perspectives), see for example Wolfgang Sachs, For the Love of the Automobile (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992); Winfried Wolf, Car Mania (London: Pluto, 1996); Kristin Ross, Fast Cars ...

[PDF] El Garona y sus iguales

FV Liébana - Palaeohispánica: Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de …, 2011 - ifc.dpz.es
... 1. En la modalidad -nd-:17 Acalandrus (Lucania), Achindana (Carmania), Alander (Anatolia),Arycandus (Anatolia), Aspendus (Anatolia), Aulindenus (Anatolia), Charinda (Media), Cisindria (Galia Lugdu- nense), Corocondamitis (Bosforo Cimerio), Crausindum (Tesalia), ...

The city and the car

M Sheller, J Urry - International journal of urban and regional …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Page 1. The City and the Car* MIMI SHELLER AND JOHN URRY Introduction According to Heidegger, machinery 'unfolds a specific character of domination ... a specific kind of discipline and a unique kind of consciousness ...

The" Taprobane" of Pliny and Ptolemy

D Ferguson - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and …, 1904 - JSTOR
... Geography, ii, p. 422). According to Pliny, in tho reign of Claudius (41-54 An) "a freedman ofAnnius Plocamus, who had farmed from the treasury the Red Sea revenues, while sailing aroundArabia was carried away by gales of wind from the north beyond Car mania...

The regular holocaust of the road

M Dixon - City, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
... such as the walking bus. Sponsors might alsopre-purchase kits. The regular holocaust of the road Max Dixon Car Mania: A Critical History of Transport Winfried Wolf, Pluto Press, 1996, £13.99 'I love the car. It has given me the ...

Cities and environment in the twenty-first century: A future-oriented synthesis after Habitat II1An earlier version of this paper was delivered at the International …

J Binde - Futures, 1998 - Elsevier
... well as alternative policies and the regulation of consumption. Quantitative growth does not necessarily lead to qualitative growth. `Car-mania' is costly in both time and money. The increase in the number of cars on the road ...

[PDF] Un nuevo dato sobre la leyenda de Alejandro Magno en España: el manuscrito 3897 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid

J Cañas Murillo - Anuario de estudios filológicos, 1984 - dialnet.unirioja.es
... EPINICIO DECIMO SESTO 1 Muere justamente Cangaro, pierde EIRey infinita / gente de hambre, hasta Ilegar a la Aromática tierra de / Gechosia donde descansa el exercito, entra por laCar- /mania con el Triumpho que su pariente Baco endonde / mas ambicioso quesu ...

[CITAS] Suicide battalions

W Westover - 1929 - GP Putnam's Sons

A New Essay on the Indo-Greeks The Śakas and the Pahlavas

AM Simonetta - East and West, 1958 - JSTOR
... the same time that Parthia and Bactria and therefore also Drangiana, Gedrosia and Car maniawere lost for the Seleucids (Wolski, 1947). Carmania and Gedrosia being lands of little importance,we are practically ignorant of their history down to the Sassanid times. The exis? ...

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