John Tresch
Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
This is a review, or preview, in the form of an interview, of Bruno Latour’s forthcoming book,
Inquiry into Modes of Existence
. We discuss his intellectual trajectory leading up to actor–network
theory and the pluralistic philosophy underlying his new, ‘positive’ anthropology of modernity.
actor–network theory, anthropology of science, Bruno Latour, globalization, modernity,
philosophy of science, speech act theory
Bruno Latour’s work on actor–network theory (ANT) put him at the forefront of a wave
of ethnographic research on scientists ‘in action’ in their laboratories and in the wider
world. Starting with 1979’s
Laboratory Life
, his many books, written independently and
in collaboration, have traced the chains of reference that connect instrumental inscrip
tions in labs to factual statements in journals and, eventually, to the laws of nature found
in textbooks. Along the way, he has shown, facts take on increasing ontological weight,
growing increasingly ‘universal’ through extensions of the scale and reach of networks
and alliances between humans and nonhumans. His work has also contributed to rethink
ings of modernity, leading scholars to study how scientists, engineers, and their hetero
geneous allies have redefined and transformed both nature and society. Compelling,
controversial, and constantly on the move, Latour’s arguments and collective projects
have helped orient many research perspectives in Science and Technology Studies (STS)
over the past three decades, creating bridges between science studies and anthropology,
history, literary studies, art history, and environmental studies; philosophers have also
increasingly engaged with his ideas (e.g. Bennett, 2010; Harman, 2009; Rouse, 1987; as
well as Latour, 2010).
Corresponding author:
John Tresch, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania, 249 South 36th
Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
Email: jtresch @ sas.upenn.edu
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