sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, Transport Costs, and Trade


Foto: En muchos países de Europa, el solsticio de invierno se celebra como el renacimiento del dios del sol, ya que a partir de esta fecha los días se van haciendo más largos. Como parte de la celebración, cada familia quemaba un tronco en su chimenea, guardando las cenizas para fertilizar los campos para la siembra. Fertilicemos los ánimos para seguir afrontando estos malos tiempos que nos cabrean!!!
The authors use different data sets to investigate the dependence of transport costs on geography and infrastructure. Infrastructure is an important determinant of transport costs, especially for landlocked countries. Analysis of bilateral trade data confirms the importance of infrastructure and gives an estimate of the elasticity of trade flows with respect to the trade cost factor of around –3. A deterioration of infrastructure from the median to the 75th percentile raises transport costs by 12 percentage points and reduces trade volumes by 28 percent. Analysis of African trade flows indicates that their relatively low level is largely due to poor infrastructure. 

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