viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

Si quisiéramos competir con China invertiríamos en educación e I D

2 comentarios:

  1. comenting in:
    The crisis is the consequence of a mirage, produced mainly in Western cultures, by the adoption of multiple "ceremonial activities".
    These "ceremonial activities" of the kind "1.0" reduce our basic sensorial powers, by reducing the focus of our attention.
    In that way we live as if we were alone as human species, ignoring that society, in actual terms, is shaped by all species sharing our space-time.
    Symbiodiversity focus towards those ways, methods and tools, that increase in us, our sensorial powers, and thus becoming more aware of where we live and with who we share our lives.
    Expanding the focus allows us to overcome eurocentrism and anthropocentrism, converging thus within a global vision generally shared with southern and/or rural cultures.
    We feed on Global Education (David Selby) and Shamanism, among others, as practical ways of reconnecting our (dynamic) bodies within EcoGrid or Ecosystem, where humans share their activities with actually a high numbers of other species, and lansdcapes, that until now seemed absent and "inexistent" in public discourse.

  2. Commenting in:

    In diferent ways.
    1) "Artexts" (artestos) are a creative tool saving 4000 yrs of disruption between arts and texts. Artexts are "texts written with very much art", where infinite possibilities emerge overcoming that history of increasing number of rules in writing "correctly"
    2) "Wild-Blogging": People generaly manage their blogs "in a exquisite manner", that is, the formats are "dogmatically" applied, as in a classical book. But Blogs have not to be managed only in a certain and "correct" manner. The question is to share information. And we found that information can be shown in very diverse ways, and mixing diferent channels. As you could see in our wild blogs.
    3) "Mistakes are not mistakes". Some times we leave our mistakes in the writing process. In this way we have discovered that sometimes these "mistakes" express new ideas or new ways to see the question.
    4) Our blogs actually represent the fifth generation of information society, where all systems of knowledges are equally autonomous, shaping a "Wisdom Democracy", where the old, and imperialist ideas of "uncultured", "uneducated", and "ignorant" disappears


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