jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

MOOCs will mean the death of universities?

MOOCs will mean the death of universities? Not likely

Despite online courses available for free, university students still want the experience of bricks and mortar campuses. University campus image from www.shutterstock.com
MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, are gaining a lot of attention. Some commentators believe that these free internet-delivered courses are the future of university education.
Others meanwhile argue that MOOCs are simply an updated version of the old-fashioned correspondence course.
The reason MOOCs are getting this attention is the recent involvement of elite American universities such as Stanford, Harvard, and MIT. These universities, through different platforms, are putting their courses online for free, with some offering accreditation.
However, within all the commentary on the rise of MOOCs, the death of the university campus has been grossly exaggerated.

MOOCs mania

Current online courses are often based on videos of “chalk and talk” lectures. If you thought your economics lecturer was boring in person, try watching him or her on a 50 minute internet video!
MOOCs will not threaten existing university education – and are unlikely to survive – unless they adapt to the internet as a medium of delivery. This involves short audio or video clips based on single topics that can be adapted into different course sequences and used by the students in conjunction with other online tools such as social media and blogs.
For most tertiary students, MOOCs will simply be one part of the university learning experience. They will not supersede on-campus classes for the same reason that telecommuting has not made the office redundant.
People like to interact in person with other people. And students learn from other students. The internet will augment but not replace the face-to-face experience.

A celebration of integration

So what is the future of Australian university education? I think it will involve four integrated elements.
First, the class will be “inverted”. Students will be expected to access a range of materials about a topic before coming to class. Some of this material will be free on the internet, some will be provided on the internet by publishers (and may be tied to a textbook) and some will be provided by the lecturer (e.g. moderated web discussions).
Second, students will be assessed on the material before coming to class. The assessment will involve an online test, with each test worth a few percent at most. The test helps students understand how well they have learnt the material. Importantly, it provides the lecturer with feedback before the lecture.
Third, the lecturer will provide a “classroom experience” to students based on their test results. The lecturer will design the class material to address those areas where the students are having the most trouble.
In the short term, many classes will still require a large lecture format. But the presentation will be dynamic. Even large classes will involve peer-to-peer interaction (periods where students are given a question and a minute to discuss it in pairs) and real-time student feedback (using technology to enable students to answer questions in real time).
Fourth, there will still be small-group tutorials. But these will be based around problem solving in groups with tutors as moderators. Students will present answers and work in groups, learning the “soft” skills that have disappeared from many current university courses.
Ultimately with some courses, the large lecture may disappear – replaced by smaller classes to provide feedback, allow better discussion and to focus on applying new knowledge through problem-based learning.
The professor will design the course and guide the tutors who will, in turn, guide the students. However, many tutors can cost more than one lecturer – so some universities will baulk at the cost of this final step.

Online pioneers

Can this be done? Yes! It is already being done in some of our leading university courses. But at present, reform is being led by individual academics who are devoted to teaching.
Their institutions, at best, simply cheer them from the sidelines, and, at worst, get in their way.
But change is inevitable. Competition for students is intense between Australia’s middle-ranked and lower-ranked universities. Some of these universities have downgraded their on-campus experience – ignoring or undermining their key advantage over MOOCs and other online courses.
If these universities do not change then they will lose students and financial resources, both to internet courses and to universities that do change.
In contrast, universities that act early can build a reputation for innovative, high-quality teaching. While our elite research universities are always likely to attract top students, most Australian universities need to sell themselves on teaching quality.
A reputation for innovative teaching will be invaluable in the fight for domestic and international student dollars.

Tomorrow’s leaders

The biggest barrier to change may be the academics themselves. They will need to be at the forefront of educational reform. However, it is much easier to drag out the yellowed lecture notes for another year rather than to learn new technology and redesign a course.
Incentives at all our universities are based on research output, so academics have little incentive to embrace educational reform. The universities that succeed in transforming education will not be those that work on a top down approach. That cannot work.
Rather, it is the universities that develop the incentives and motivation for “bottom up” academic-led reform who will be tomorrow’s leaders in tertiary education.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012


Creado el 2012-08-23
Trascripción de la nota con el columnista Andrés Caro Berta en el programa La noche abierta, de Radio del Sur, SODRE (94.7 fm y también www.sodre.gub.uy ) sobre la película La Educación Prohibida
Jorge Daniel Díaz -  Cuando nos encontramos con Andrés Caro Berta hay tantas preguntas latentes… Un tema para próximos encuentros es cuáles son los errores que aparecen más frecuentemente en la consulta a la hora de la educación de los chicos y jóvenes…

Andrés Caro Berta – Mirá, me parece estupendo. De alguna forma tiene que ver con esto que vamos a hablar hoy. Pero además, por supuesto, al menos en las clases que doy me preocupo mucho de hablar de los condicionamientos que hay en nuestros niños; cómo fuimos nosotros condicionados y también cómo condicionamos a través de los mitos y los tabúes. Da para mucho ese tema. Pero además tiene que ver con esto que hoy le proponía a Lucía en relación a una película y a la nostalgia, porque parecería que no, pero tienen relación ambos temáticas entre sí.
La película se llama La Educación Prohibida. Es un documental argentino que se estrenó te diría, casi a nivel mundial, en este mes de agosto y que resume una serie de experiencias, pero por sobre todo filosofías en relación a la educación, si esta es correcta o no, tal como se desarrolla actualmente. Si tenemos que hablar de educación, de aprendizaje, quiénes son los que aprenden, si los docentes también aprenden. En fin, una película interesantísima que creo, va a dar muchísimo que hablar y que puede ser bajada gratuitamente a través del mismo sitio de esta película, que es www.educacionprohibida.com  

JDD- Ah, mirá qué bueno

ACB- Sí, es lo que están pidiendo los realizadores, alentando a que se baje gratuitamente y se expanda por esa maravilla que es Internet, que no deja de ser transgresora

JDD- Mañana tenemos interpelación por parte de Larrañaga al Ministro de Educación y Cultura. O sea, el tema de la educación está en pleno debate. Y si esta película puede ayudar a echar luz, a formular más preguntas, me parece muy bueno

ACB- Lo que plantea la película es que la educación no es a través de lograr respuestas sino filosofar, que una pregunta lleve a otra pregunta, no quedándonos en ellas sino pudiendo investigar, más que si tú hacés una pregunta para generar una respuesta, terminando lo que es el diálogo. A veces la respuesta marca el fin de la conversación.
Esta película tiene luces y sombras. Empecemos por las sombras y luego vayamos a las luces. Es muy larga, dura 2 horas 23 minutos, lo que puede generar cansancio a la persona que la ve, es reiterativa y además tiene su cierto dogmatismo en cuanto a que no ofrece otras alternativas a su punto de vista. Pero… pasemos a lo positivo
Y tiene que ver un poco con la nostalgia. Nosotros acá en Uruguay, luego de la dictadura, recuerdo que con la presencia de muchos maestros que regresaban del exterior luego del exilio, abrieron centros educativos que proponían lo que esta película ofrece hacia delante. El CIDEC que era uno de los emblemáticos de la época. Donde aprendían música, jugar al ajedrez, etc. conexas a la que pedía Primaria, en este caso. 
Ahora aparece esta película que resume entrevistas a cerca de 90 educadores de distintos países hispano americanos acerca de experiencias como las que vivimos nosotros entre los '80 y '90, reflotando el concepto de humanidad y holístico que se ha ido perdiendo. La educación como se presenta en el día de hoy es una educación que expulsa a los alumnos, tanto sea primaria como secundaria, no es atractiva en absoluto, se reitera en la película que muchas de las cosas que se enseñan nunca más luego se van a usar, y no se profundiza en el currículum con temáticas y materias que podrían ser muy seductoras, estimulantes a generar una conciencia mucho más, justamente humana y holística.
Se puede enseñar matemática a través de la música, se puede enseñar física a través del dibujo, muchas materias sin tener este concepto de clase magistral, de un docente frente a una cantidad de alumnos mirando al docente pero no mirándose entre sí, y no pudiendo hablar, no pudiendo expresar conceptos que pueden tener.
La película es muy interesante para poder ver si es posible, y aquí entro en la duda si es posible reisertar la noción que teníamos en los '80 y '90 donde apostábamos al Hombre Nuevo, donde la búsqueda de la libertad está unida al concepto de los conocimientos y aprendizajes de la propia vida.
Gastón Pauls personifica a un docente que hace pensar a sus alumnos. Dos de ellos deciden generar una carta que quieren sea leía a fin de año. Eso irrita mucho a la directora porque considera que es una carta muy transgresora, que acusa al colegio y los docentes de dogmatismo, y prohíbe la carta. Luego se va viendo que pasa con esa prohibición, qué pasa con esa boca cerrada hacia esos dos alumnos, y cómo entre los demás se va colando el contenido de la carta, si bien la misma no es subversiva, sí, apunta a exigir que la educación tenga que ver con los valores, con el crecimiento espiritual, que tenga que ver con las artes, con el deseo de poder entender que los estudiantes sientan el deseo de ir a la escuela o el liceo, las ganas y no el rechazo de llegar el lunes y "qué macana, tengo que volver a mi centro educativo"
Lo que considero es que esta propuesta que venimos manejando desde la década de los '80 hoy por hoy me suena traída de los pelos en cuanto a, quiero equivocarme, estamos dentro de un contexto donde la "militarización" de la educación en cuanto al dogmatismo, al cercenamiento de esa capacidad creadora de los docentes y alumnos ha llevado a que hoy por hoy la educación tenga que ver con un currículum estricto, preparar a las personas para trabajar en tal cosa y nada más y su nivel de aprendizaje debe llegar hasta cierto punto, lo mismo que su crecimiento.
Ojalá que se pueda romper ese esquema y lleguemos a un concepto más de libertad educativa

JDD- Para mí, la educación es esencialmente debate y debe estar permanentemente en debate. Este es un elemento fermental inherente al propio proceso educativo. No me imagino una educación que no tenga una importante cuota de debate y de reflexión

ACB- Absolutamente de acuerdo. Pero eso cada vez se ha acotado mucho más

Si querés opinar andres@andrescaroberta.com


Creado el 2012-08-24
Trascripción de la nota con el columnista Andrés Caro Berta en el programa La noche abierta, de Radio del Sur, SODRE (94.7 fm y también www.sodre.gub.uy ) sobre la película La Educación Prohibida
JDD- El problema es que creo que hay un empobrecimiento (hablo de Uruguay), y no vemos grandes debates y confrontaciones en profundidad. Vemos chisporroteos, superficiales, pero debates ideológicos… nuestra Sociedad ya no los está teniendo

ACC- Es verdad. Porque ya no va por el lado del alumno, sino también qué pasa con los educadores, los académicos, los profesionales. Lo que pasa entre padres y madres, lo que pasa dentro de las familias. Hemos perdido la capacidad de diálogo, de un diálogo constructivo, no estar hablando del vecino, de lo que hizo fulanito o menganito sino un debate que enriquezca a todos.  Eso se ha perdido. Y esa voracidad que ha ganado a las Sociedades que es un modelo educativo más norteamericano, y no hablo de política en esto…

JDD- Es inevitable… Mañana va a haber una interpelación, por ejemplo, donde se van a hacer gárgaras los senadores con el tema de la educación. ¿Va a hacer confrontación ideológica sobre el proceso educativo? No… Va a haber un debate de chisporroteo político donde conceptos en profundidad no van a estar en debate

ACC- Y lamentablemente, esto no es un tema de izquierdas ni de derechas, sino que considero que hay algo muy llevado al concepto de Mercado, donde todos docentes y alumnos terminan aburridos, enfermos, buscando el papelito para incorporar al currículum y no aquello que hacíamos. Cuando estudié psicología, más allá de lo curricular teníamos grupos de estudio particulares, había una persona que nos enseñaba en un garage y se generaban los tales debates…

JDD- Pero era, Andrés, una Sociedad mucho más fermental. En la medida que esa Sociedad se torna más superficial, más frívola, donde hasta el confrontar está mal visto… Y eso ha pasado en la propia izquierda donde confrontar ideologías y pensamientos es malo… La confrontación es fundamental. Hace crecer las Democracias

ACB- En ese planteo tuyo, del que comparto todo, está mi duda de cómo puede insertarse una propuesta tan liberadora como la que ofrece La Educación Prohibida. Todo lo que dice es compartible, pero los que vivimos aquellos años sabemos por experiencia propia que eso se perdió. ¿Cómo insertar esto en una educación que apuesta únicamente a lo curricular, donde te vas con un papelito que te sirve para pasar a liceo, y luego a la Universidad y luego, si te va bien al empleo mediocre?

JDD- Qué tipo de profesional o ciudadano estás formando… 

ACB- ¿Qué futuro estamos preparando en el presente, dándole más valor a lo urgente que a lo importante? Incluso el pasaje a la Universidad debe ser cuestionado. Que cada uno pueda tener la libertad de elegir su futuro, por supuesto que estimulado, acompañado. La idea es ir preparando a aquel muchacho para que vaya eligiendo su propio camino y no el camino que el Sistema le da, tornándonos repetitivos, y a los 40, 50 años nos sentimos viejos, el Sistema siente que hemos pasado la raya y lo que nos queda es un gris profundo hasta que nos enfermemos y muramos
Entonces, evitemos eso. Evitemos el derrumbamiento de la creatividad y la ilusión. Fomentemos la esperanza, la ilusión, hablo de una ideología donde cada uno pueda ser dueño de sí mismo, y no esclavo de lo que es Sistema está marcándole desde el nacimiento
Hoy por hoy lo que vale es el currículum, lo que está estampado en el papel, el diploma que reciba, el certificado que me da tantos créditos y de esa forma, si aprendiste o no… La película dice “una educación centrada en el amor, el respeto, la libertad y el aprendizaje” Son palabras que se han prostituido, palabras que hay que recuperar

JDD- Hoy me pasó algo que fue patético. Me estoy quejando desde hace dos meses con una empresa de móviles, que no me manda la factura. Si no me las envían yo me olvido de pagar. Y el rol de la factura es la tener la contraprestación de que uno ha pagado y debe pagar. Hace como cuatro meses. Y hoy me respondió una chica que me atendió y me decía “el courrier que le lleva la factura es correcto” Le decía yo, no, no es correcto si hace cuatro meses que no me las lleva no es correcto. “No, pero es correcto”, bueno, le respondía “Vamos a pensar un poquito. Cuando tú me decís que es correcto, qué me querés decir” “Correcto” “No, pero decime qué significa para ti que es correcto” Entonces era una conversación surrealista con una persona que era incapaz de conceptualizar; yo peleando porque me manden una factura, pidiéndole a quien me atiende que me de su concepto de lo que es correcto… Y ella, en la interrelación con un cliente es incapaz de salir de las pautas que le dieron en el call center. Después de una larga conversación pedí por la supervisora, con la cual pude hablar un poquito más
El riesgo grande que estamos corriendo es que sea el Mercado quien decida qué educación estamos teniendo, y defina una educación que sea funcional para el Mercado

ACB- No, Jorge, no. El riesgo, no. Ya estamos en eso. Ese es el problema. Cómo revertir el camino. Entonces, una película que plantea algo tan trasgresor como abolir las escuelas, yo no sé si está fuera de época…Espero que no, pero bueno, no sé si estaríamos de acuerdo pero esto que se dio entre tú y yo forma parte de la propuesta de la película. Vamos a debatir, a conversar sin tratar de derrotar al otro, tratando de convencerlo. Tratemos de compartir opiniones contrarias y cada uno se irá enriquecido

JDD- Un oyente dice: “En mi escuela granja aprendíamos matemáticas al aire libre, en los canteros, figuras, rectángulos, polígonos, en el tanque australiano elaborábamos la miel que era la delicia en la mesa, plantábamos, tejíamos, cría de conejos, éramos gurises muy felices… Que vuelvan las manos a la tierra, y las semillas del viejo semillero a sembrarse. Las fiestas, los cielitos, los gatos, el pericón, aprendíamos a respetar y honrar la vida. Las carpetas eran libros abiertos, las maestras, excelentes. 

ACB- Evidentemente se iban a disparar muchísimos comentarios de nuestra charla porque ambos abrimos la cancha a proponer el diálogo, y en la película se indica que en la escuela rural, donde un maestro debe dar la clase a todos los años curriculares en un mismo salón y eso se considera negativo, aquí se plantea que no, que incluso haya alumnos de distintas edades, que compartan un mismo espacio educativo es enriquecedor. En la propia naturaleza uno puede aprender física, matemáticas, literatura, historia, geografía, lo que fuera porque a veces el saber está fuera del aula física.  Me alegro muchísimo de esto que estamos hablando porque es un estímulo a creer

JDD- La seguimos la semana que viene, Andrés. Tenemos muchas repercusiones de lo que hemos hablado, tanto en el celular como el Factbook. Gracias, Andrés Caro Berta por acercarnos los comentarios sobre La Educación Prohibida

(Les invito a poner en este sitio sus opiniones) 

The polymath guru of Assam

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

En España un 20% de las viviendas están vacías

En España un 20% de las viviendas están vacías | Economía | EL PAÍS

Telugu me gustas

ప్రతిపత్తిస్వత్వముల విషయమున మానవులెల్లరును జన్మతః స్వతంత్రులును సమానులును నగుదురు. వారు వివేదనాంతఃకkరణ సంపన్నులగుటచే పరస్పరము భ్రాతృభావముతో వర్తింపవలయును.


Pratipattisvatvamula viṣayamuna mānavulellarunu janmataḥ svataṁtrulunu samānulunu naguduru. Vāru vivēdanāṁtaḥkaraṇa saṁpannulaguṭačē parasparamu bʰrātṛbʰāvamutō vartiṁpavalayunu.


Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos. Dotados como están de razón y conciencia y deben actuar los unos con los otros en un espíritu de hermandad, donde está el amor verdadero.

La danza de vientre y el parto

La danza de vientre y el parto ::: www.lacted.com

Danza del Vientre. Historia

Danza del Vientre. Historia - Luciérnaga Clap

Teatro Sagrado

Teatro Sagrado - Luciérnaga Clap


Stupid Men... Consciousness is Interspecific!


Elephants cooperate to solve problems. Chimpanzees teach youngsters to make tools. Even octopusesseem to be able to plan. So should we humans really be surprised that “consciousness” probably does not only exist in us?
This privileged state of subjective awareness in fact goes well beyondHomo sapiens, according to the newCambridge Declaration on Consciousness (pdf), which was signed last month by a group of cognitive neuroscientists, computational neuroscientists, neuroanatomists, neuropharmacologists, neurophysiologists who attended theFrancis Crick Memorial Conference on Consciousness in Human and non-Human Animals at Cambridge University in the U.K.
“The weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness,” the scientists wrote. “Non-human animals, including all mammals and birds, and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these neurological substrates.”
The octopus is the only invertebrate to get a shout-out at all. And plenty of research has been accumulated to back up this assertion. A 2009 study showed that some octopuses collect coconut shells to use as portable shelters—an example of tool use, according to the researchers. Other research has documented sophisticated spatial navigation and memory. Anecdotal reports from researchers, such as Jennifer Mather, describe watching octopuses in the wild make errands to collect just the right number of rocks to narrow the opening to a desired den. And laboratory experiments show a distinct change in behavior when octopuses are kept in tanks that do not have enough enrichment objects to keep them stimulated.
What was keeping scientists from accepting the existence of consciousness outside of our own family tree? Simple brain anatomy. Older models of brain activity lodged complex, conscious experiences—like musing about a piece of music or reminiscing about a piece of cake—in our highly evolved cortex. But, as the authors of the new declaration noted, many nerve networks involved in “attentiveness, sleep and decision making appear to have arisen in evolution as early as invertebrate radiation, being evident in insects and cephalopod mollusks (e.g. octopus).”
Even emotions (or, according to the declaration, their “neural substrates”) are not dependent on an animal having particular brain structures, such as our cortex, after all. In fact, many other neural regions are activated when we emote and “are also critically important for generating emotional behaviors in animals,” the scientists noted.
That does not necessarily mean that you could have a distraught octopus or an elated cuttlefish on your hands. But this new, formalized conception of consciousness does suggest that the octopus has used its own, more foreign-looking brain to develop some sense of subjective experience.
“Exactly how organized brain matter gives rise to images and sounds, lust and hate, memories, dreams and plans, remains unclear,” Christof Koch, chief science officer at the Allen Institute of Brain Science, and co-presenter of the new declaration, recently wrote in the Huffington Post. And although brain structures, such as the cerebral cortex, in mammals seem to be highly conserved evolutionarily, Koch noted, other organisms, such as birds and cephalopods force us to reexamine other neural components of consciousness. “The challenge that remains is to understand how the whispering of nerve cells, interconnected by thousands of gossamer threads (their axons), give rise to any one conscious sensation,” he wrote.
And so, with the new declaration (and with apologies to David Foster Wallace), science has considered the octopus. And found it conscious. …Now we just need to figure out what, exactly, the octopus experience is.
Katherine HarmonAbout the Author: Katherine Harmon is an associate editor for Scientific American covering health, medicine and life sciences. Follow on Twitter @katherineharmon.

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

La Respuesta Brasileira a la Crisis Economica internacional

Redacción/la Voz de Tenerife
El Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de La Laguna acogerá mañana jueves 10 de mayo la conferencia de Marco Crocco, doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Londres y catedrático de la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais de Brasil.
La ponencia comenzará a las 12 horas y versará sobre el impacto de la crisis económica en Brasil y sus políticas para combatirla.

La exposición también tratará la crisis internacional de manera general y las respuestas de la política económica de los países emergentes. Esta ponencia se incluye en el ciclo de seminarios “Reflexiones ante la crisis dentro y fuera de la academia”, cuyo objetivo es reflexionar sobre la actual situación mundial desde distintos puntos de vista, tanto dentro de la universidad como fuera de ésta.

La conferencia forma parte a su vez de las Jornadas “Gobernabilidad para un desarrollo sostenible”, realizadas en el marco del proyecto POEMAC y  financiadas con Fondos FEDER a través de la convocatoria MAC 2007-2013. Las jornadas están coorganizadas por la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la ULL, la Fundación Pedro García Cabrera y la Cátedra Cultural Pedro García Cabrera.

El proyecto cuenta con un espacio de reflexión e interacción, el Video Lectures for Governance (VL4G) que surge con el objetivo de facilitar el intercambio de conocimientos en materias de gobernabilidad y sostenibilidad. VL4G esta disponible en" \t "_blank"

La actividad está dirigida a la comunidad universitaria y a todo el público interesado, con entrada es gratuita. Además, se contará con un servicio de traducción simultánea. 

Sensing : a new fundamental action of nature


By Crocco, Mario Fernando
Avila, Alicia Susana

---------------------------------------               -----------------------------------------

Shared content across perceptual modalities: 
lessons from cross-modal illusions* 


Casey O'Callaghan
Philosophy Dept., Bates College, Lewiston, ME, U. S.

Contacto / correspondence: cocallag [-at-] bates.edu

Electroneurobiología 2006; 14 (2), pp. 211-224; URL < http://electroneubio.secyt.gov.ar/O'Callaghan_Cross-Modal_Illusions.htm >

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Ecological Economics of One hundred Thousand millions Neurons

Ecologicalll Economicsss offf Onnne Hundreed Thousannnd Millionnns Nieuronnns

Neurons shape a population-Multitude Network across our bodies (somas), connecting in one hundred thousand Millions ways our actual field of possibilities.

Any action or and sensation build a certain neural network in action and connection.

For example, when spelling the title of this post, we have repeated those sounds that characteristicaly imply a certain long vibration in our vocal cords or and mouth. This may make us more aware of our own biology anatomy physiology of languaging. Any sound we produce configures a certain field of muscles and parts of our bodies in action, and connection. And this is something you can easily exercitate. That is, we invite to you to carry to your own body the languaging process that is primarily developped within our mouth, and throat.

Actualy all our bodies vibrate and connect within language, just because dancing or playing piano are also diferent modalities of languaging, expressed with diferent parts, muscles, tissues, of our bodies.

In Eliane Elias Trio "Samba triste" via Youtube, images teach Us how all the body of Artists are playing their role. In this way, what we hope from 21th century is the inclussion of all the body, and also the ecosystem, within the study of language and Linguistics.

In Shakira Belly Dance via Youtube, all her body participates of the process of languaging (active process of using Language: Spanish "lenguajear", from Humberto Maturana). All the body, thus, is the subject of Language and linguistics.

In Camarón Song, via Youtube, we could say exactly the same... Is all the body what is actualy in action, in the process of languaging. Who would doubt isn't?
Now that we see our bodies as active producers of language, echolocation appears for magicaly expanding language, from bodies toward ecosystem.

One evening in Alameda de Colon, I observed a group of flying swifts, that were coming from Alameda principal. When reaching the pasaje of the kiosko, they turned on their right, and their calling-concert too, making for me absolutely clear the relevance of echolocation, for drawing this wonderful fly-concert of maybe ten swifts, that this magical evening, illuminate in so powerful way, our own comprehension of the dynamic  of waves, actualy an ocean of waves, that shape the reality in ourselves lives, making the promise for thus, a so radical re innovation of all that wikipedia, and in general, text books say about sounds, synestesia, etc... and anouncing a new age for a revolution in our sense and meaning of

comprehensive sensuality or sensualness...:)))

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

La Educación Prohibida




La educación prohibida, un alegato por una educación libre

por Bernardo Gutierrez (20 minutos)

Cualquier gestor cultural o ministro de Cultura debería estudiar con atención la estrategia del documental La Educación Prohibida . En menos de una semana, sin inversión en publicidad, sus números son espectaculares: 158.455 descargas, 1.488.220 reproducciones en web, 436 proyecciones en todo el mundo, 46.726 fans en Facebook 4.257 seguidores en Twitter. Un detalle: el documental no usa licencia copyright, sino licencia Creative Commons . Cualquier persona tiene derecho a copiar la obra, a modificarla y a difundirla cómo quiera. Además, el documental ha sido elaborado de una forma colaborativa: fue financiado colectivamente  gracias a 706 co-productores. Los subtítulos también han sido hechos de forma colaborativa. Cualquier persona puede traducir el documental a cualquier idioma aquí .
Lo más curioso es que La educación prohibida toca un tema poco comercial: cuestiona los cimientos  de la educación occidental, sus métodos, su sistema competitivo basado en calificaciones. El documental ha hecho “más de 90 entrevistas a educadores, académicos, profesionales, autores, madres y padres; un recorrido por 8 países de Iberoamérica(Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, México, Guatemala y España) pasando por 45 experiencias educativas no convencionales”. Y realmente, no deja indiferente a nadie. El documental critica con dureza una educación que “no considera la naturaleza del aprendizaje, la libertad de elección o la importancia que tienen el amor y los vínculos humanos en el desarrollo individual y colectivo”. Y muestra prototipos educativos que ya están funcionando, nuevos imaginarios replicables para esta nueva era en red.
Surgen muchas preguntas, sin duda, tras ver La educación prohibida. ¿Por qué Occidente (y medio mundo imitándole) todavía base sus sistema educativo en un modelo nacido en la Prusia militar del siglo XIX? ¿Por qué la educación se basa en un sistema competitivo que no incentiva el trabajo en equipo y la creatividad? ¿Por qué la educación se concentra en centros definidos sin contacto con la ciudad y/o la naturaleza? ¿Por qué no basar la educación en un proceso social, participativo, que convierta nuestras urbas en La ciudad del aprendizaje?
Sin más, recomiendo ver La educación prohibida y compartirla de cualquier forma posible.

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

From Baby Gaia Shower to Chinchirrina: The Linguistic Social-Ecological System

"he believed in the existance of a universal "secret doctrine" of magic throughout history, everywhere throughout the world."

This Words from Eliphas Levi that appears in the first page of his book, would be related (refer) to Shamanism, a meme that appears later in History.

Shamanism, in fact, is (again, with the help of internet revolution) a universal doctrine, everywhere throughout the World, that have been (or is still, mainly unconsciously) prosecuted and forbiden by European Religion, and thus was maintained as Secret. Still now you read Wikipedia article and will be amazed of its abrupt desfase, because of main ortodox Wikipedia hands (and brains) an authentic fossil-article, that still hide, for common people and readers, all the recent scientific shamanic revolution. :)))

Until now that is more and more studied by academia, and basicaly understood.
Shamanism, actualy, appears now as the philosophical stone for solving the classical phylosophical problems so insistently repeated by the modern western scientist priests.

Shamanism solves the problems associated with one of the main western taboos, as Consciousness.

Shamanism return again the observer toward Nature, toward Ecosystem, towards all our living planetary companions.

Shamanism, strongly permeates the lives and thinking of indigenous people that, characteristicaly, appeals our western way of thinking for being closer to Nature.

Generaly western academic thinking and language suffer the historical apartheid between social and natural sciences.

In that way you find so many natural scientists that speak very much from Nature, but forget the humans. And viceversa, social scientists speaking about human characteristics as if humans would live alone, as the only species, in that planet.

The curious but Terrible thing is that both tribus: Natural and Social Scientists are both of the same species, both are animals that trofic ecology classify as Consumers, as both kind of humans, social and natural scientists, both eat living beings, as other animals, and breath the oxigen produced by producers, as bacteria, algae and plants. 

The radical phenomenological approach to the common human lives of social and natural scientists, have the happy consequence of looking at the common features observable in the lives of both tribus.
Both animal tribus live permanently within ecosystems, where there are not explicit distinctions between what would belong to social science or to natural science. In their common life, both kind of specialists are in permanent sensorial contact with a great diversity of sensations. All that sensational diversity comes to scientist intermingled, without any previous classification, we could say. All that sensational diversity we receive, is the fundamental source of information we use in our lives. 

We are walking in the streets and thousands of diferent sensations are boiling around us. Maybe we are not aware of all that infinitude of sensations we are actualy sharing within Ecosystem, but our bodies perceive, maybe unconsciously, more than what you think.

The sucess of symbiodiversity for integrating these two sides of reality (nature and culture, social and natural, human and nature) was because the basic focus of symbiodiversity is precisely in our common lives. Our common lives have the big advantage of nurturing us with a big quantity of information, that generaly are not considered for our proffesional work.

...   ...   ...

I had prepared a text this morning walk, for that title, that now will discover to you reader what about Chinchirrina and the first rain on Earth. 




Of these data results a global rainfall of 2710 m in each square meter on Earth. We have divided 1.386. liters of water by 510. square meters of the earth global surface. "Authenticum Diluvium Universalis".

(the dark text above in this post, was "captured" serendipicaly, in the way of the process of copy and paste... :))) )

From Baby Gaia Shower to Chinchirrina: The Linguistic Social-Ecological System

A Pelusa

The Epistemological Canibalism of Anthropocentrism, becomes in Western European Societies a Multiparallel Program, by which each spcialist function as a Guard of their own implicit, ideological censorship.

In political terms, we speak of censorship.

In Psychological terms, we speak of Collective (multiparallel) Unconscious.

In Pedagogical terms, we speak of Hidden Curriculum, or Invisible Learning.

1) Be Sum.Exp the sum of all experiences in the life of the reader.

2) Be Sum.Lang the sum of all language experiences in the life of the reader.

3) Be Sum.Think the sum of all thinking experiences in the life of the reader.

Sum.Exp >>> SumThink >>> Sum.Lang

4) Be Sum.Sens the sum of all perception experiences in the life of the reader.

5) Be Sum.Awar.Sens the sum of all aware perception experiences in the life of the reader.

Sum.Awar.Sens = Memory, your own functional memory. That is, the transformation of (perception) information in a practical tool in the life of the reader.

6) Be Sum.Aca.Ling the sum of Linguistic Academic Knowledge in the life of the reader.

7) Be Sum.Exp.Ling the sum of all practical, direct linguistic experiences in the life of the reader by whcih the reader actualy connect their academic linguistic knowledge, within a direct Language, Languaging, Linguistic experience of the body in action, in activity.

8) Be Sum.Sens.Exp.Aca the sum of all academic knowledge, created in the life of the reader according to Abductive-Associative Theory of Creativity. That is your refutable increases in your academic knowledge, experienced in your (sensorialy integrative) Mind, in the meanwhile, or after, to have lived a singular perception or synchronicity. The arrival of Insights, acording to many first person authors, becomes many times within a process of non-focal inmersion in the cloud of sensations around you, as a very practical way of (spontaneous, or and shamanic) meditation, where thoughts had actualy gone.

9) Be Sum.Ling.Phen the sum of all common accepted principles between readers from (Eco) Linguistics and (Eco) Phenomenology.

10) Be Sum.Ling.Auto the sum of common accepted principles between (Eco) Linguistics and Autopoiesis.

11) Be Sum.Ling.Ono the sum of common accepted principles of (Eco) Linguistics That are reinforced by (feed-back),and that resist the contact with, all radical consequences of Onomatopoias.

12) Be Sum.Ling.Etym the sum of all common acepted principles in (Eco) Linguistics, that are reinforced by Etymologies.

13) Be Sum.Ling.Biol the sum of all common accepted principles of (Eco) Linguistics, that are reinforced by Biology.

14) Be Sum.Ling.Biol.Etym the sum of all common accepted principles of (Eco) Linguistics that are mutually reinforced by Biology, acording to her etymological meaning.

Thus, Sum.Ling.Bio-Etym = Sum.Ling.Auto, just because the poison Autopoiesis introduce within you the reader, is the biological fact that you are (too) a living organism, and thus can obtain your correpondant power (through), knowledge, and an easy-and-efficient way of life, when magicaly join your intelectual, academic, hypothetic-deductive, thinking Self, within your own perceptional, sensorial, sensational, consensual, Abductive Self.

By this sumative system, we can approach selective fields of knowledge and so to know tose common strenghts of the reader speciality, with other scientific field.

We are thus in that way re constructing those common roots of diferent fields of knowledge.

Semiotics, my intuitional definition, is the study of seeds (semen). Words are seeds, that incubate and reproduce as living organisms that they actualy are too. A word is so alive as who say it. "The impossible Magic of Semiotics", in the title of a small book, on a interview to Umberto Eco, denotes, or hide, a magical track that book author don't seem to have known.

Soma is your body.

Sensoma is your (expanded) sensorial body, that is, the 3D cloud where in this space-time the reader are living an constructing a experience.

Sensoma is a 3D waves-polyedron, covering the 3D space-time of the sensations that themselves build the experience all together.

Sensoma is the actual interconnection and interdependence, in this space-time, of your body soma, within a "new" hard-disk called Sensosphere (Sense-Sphere exist from 4th century as a indian budhist integrative, synestetic (mindfullness) sensorial principle).

Sensoma is that waves - 3D - piece of Sensosphere within which you are in implicit connection, and consensus, and throughout which you are actively constructing this actual convivial experience.

As Sensations travel together, on the continuous river of life, when we imagine one concrete Sensation, we actualy what we rememorize, is a whole sensorial experience, plenty of single sensations, that is, all those sensations that happen danzing together, and shaping the 3D space-time we call Sensoma.

Echolocation (you are an expert in that superman technology, with independence of your opinion), increases easily your practical, direct, phenomenological awareness of the implicit and consensual interdependence of Sensations.

Reality thus is but a wave - ocean where waves interact within Ecosystem, producing a consensual result that would be inimaginable if all the waves were independent and not interacting with anything else.

When fog (niebla) swallow (se traga) the city, echose reduces at all, and then we can more easily imagine a world without echoes.

The perroquets sounding this morning in that family of trees in the park, are interacrting within a 3D space-time, and thus, the result, what you actualy integrate sensorialy and hear, is intedependent within all the plants, soils, and buildings in the (echo) acoustic surroundings.

"yo soy yo y mi circunstancia"

Your circumstance (estancia alrededor) is (the) your sensoma, that is, this physical envelop, which acoge you in that moment, including explicitely, all the universe of sensations boiling around you, whatever they be.

Are in History sensations previous to Life?

If a organism acording to William james is a "manojillo de sensaciones", we could see what is called "the origin of life" (in earth), as a secondary transition, that actualy fed, and began as, sensations.

If humans are organisms they have been constructed as a consensual sum of sensations. If biological history of humans is a process accompanied by millions of oher species, what this means is that those characteristics some ones consider unic, only from Human species, wouldn't exist at all without the other innombrable species, and without the landscapes or ecosystems.

Sensoma imply a join unity of ourselves (our bodies) with(in) ecosystems.

Sensoma experiences facilitates the academic comprehension and description of Ecosystemic Linguistics.

Epistemological Cannibalism of still Anthropocentric Solipsist Disciplines, becomes a suicidal ecollalia enterprise, where the noise makes 99% of information channels.

This cannibalism refers to solipsist discourses that reduces all the information system of a more-than-human-world to a very small quantity of (only-human) relevant information. That is, reading the mass media, the intelligence in the observer comes from looking for the hidden curriculum, that is, those content of the experiences that are not included by Mass media News.

15) Be Sum.Eco.Ling the multiplicative sum of all common accepted principles between Ecology and (Eco) Linguistics.

In fact what Ecolinguists try to (re) incorparte to Linguistics, from a ecologicalpoint of view, is actualy what a general Linguistics would include, after actualising it with all that new 21th century science.

Ecosystemic Ecology imply the constancy of the observer, the reader, in a policentric point of view. As many possible points of view as many actual actors (sensations, species), share actualy with you the ecosystem.

More-Than-Human-Ecology means, on the basis that you tacitly identify yourself (or-and- maintain a basic, implicit consensus) with the Sensoma embeding you.

Your life, thus, is a (multiplicative-by-the-art-of-memory) sum of experiences, and thus, a sum of consensus-with-in-ecosystems, and thus, a sum of implicit sensorial consensual process of identification (of yourself) with ecosystems, and thus, you are, your life is, a sum of ecosystems.

And thus, as these ecosystems are themselves multiorganismic and multicultural, your life, reader, is thus the sum of multiorganismic and multicultural experiences.

And thus, you reader are, too, a multiorganism and multiecosystem (Self), navigating on the common river of life.

As these living bridges in Meghaland.

The semi wild urban surroundings are a unlimited frontier, where a ingent quantity of life and diversity collapses, offering a suculent alternative to Wild Writers, thus converted to Feral Frontier Writers, enriching themselves at the same (space-) time, within multiple intermingled (and-not-parallel-at-all) worlds.

As we advance throught out this tortuous text, you will be, and feel, more aware of the process of identity / identification with Ecosystem.

Linguistics, thus, becomes (a byproduct of) Ecosystem. Linguistics, thus, would study and enjoy all the languages of Ecosystem, all the languages of all the more-than-human elements, that share the Ecosystem with Us.

All the Ecosystem is a unique and multiple voice, all Ecosystem is information. All the Ecosystems are a sum of space-time. All Ecosystem is knowledge, and is the ecosystem who nurture and construct "your" Self.

Linguistics, thus, is too the Ecosystem. There's no portion of ecosystem whose voice don't belong to (Human) Linguistics. On the other way, (Human) linguistics would cover all the pieces of information, all the memes,which can be perceived, or and imagined, by a Human.

The Human Ecosystem System

Human Ecosystemology, only with all direct experiences accumulated in the History of Human species, would be enough to write "The Book of Life", the sum of all sensations channelised by our human ancestors and nowdays companions.

From Ecosystemic point of view, Memory is actualy nested in the Ecosystem, as part of the ecosystem, and thus as ecosystem.

In that way memory abandon the virtual world of thoughts and thinking, and reason, and is actualy re actualised, each time you sense, that is, each time you connect and identify within ecosystem space-time.

"A rose is a rose", but she can dance in multiple styles acording to the direction, speed and intensity of the wind touching her. When roses dance at wind, they say us that, as a object, a rose, as a photograph, they actualy are a field of waves, a quantum field of waves.

The materialistic physical origin of psychology is patent in it Etymology, by which Psychology would be something like "Aerology", the scientific field that study all related to Air, to Wind, to Respiration, to that "invisible" element whose materiality and relevance was subscribed by all the religious (scientific) systems, that decide the term Spirituality, as the most elevated of reason.

"If you feel winds, you feel alive"

The Spiritual Technology par excelence is thus our olfaction system, that make our identity with invisible air. Invisible don't mean Imperceptible. In spite of being patently neglected in Educated Society, scientists now defend that our olfaction systems are "the first" for our own survival.

The power of certain smelling experiences for connecting our memories with the memories of the past, what actualy indicates is the power of our olfaction systems, that smell the world in the meanwhile we are constructing ourselves, and the world Itself.

All senses are as touch. Olfaction is chemical tocuh. Seeing is visual touch. Touching is pressing touch. Hearing is a air - waves touch.

When the Earth was borning "from the Sun", it was when Baby Gaia Shower Happened. The atmospheric condensation produced the process of filling with water all the concavities of Baby Gaia shaping the oceans. water that in cyclic processes, return to land from time to time.

Organisms are thus sensible water-drops. Hairs can survive within air, but cillia live in water.

In which sense sensibility or tactism is mediated by water?

Chinchirrina is the onomatopoietic Andalusian term for Sardinian warbler.  Sylvia melanocephala is her latin name. Spanish: Curruca cabecinegra

Cat: Tallarol capnegre
Eusk: Txinbo burubeltz
Gal: Papuxa cabecinegra
Ing: Sardinian Warbler
Fr: Fauvette mélanocéphale
It: Occhiocotto
Por: Toutinegra-de-cabeça-preta
Al: Samtkopfgrasmücke

It seems as if the only onomatopoietic term would be the Andalusian. The call is: "chi-chi-rri chi-chi-rri chi-chi-rri", from where the name: Chinchirrina.

Chinchirrina is the most common bird in Iberian Ecosystems. Sylvia genre of birds, is very rich in Mediterranean, with several endemic species, that are a good indicator of the idiosyncracia of Mediterranean Shrubland Ecosystems, where birds communicated mainly by sounds, whose acoustic characteristics are in accordance with the Shrubland structure of this special landscape.

Mediterranean Shrubland Ecosystem have a diversity in climate and altitude, but in general they show a characteristic semi-open space in irregular topography,covered by a network of small goat-tracks, that you can alternatively choose in serendipical walkings facilitated by these characetristics. Their mosaic-structure of landscape and their high biodiversity make the walking a entertainment, where sensational diversity explodes also across the aromas of so many aromatic plants...:)))