jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Origin of "Sensation" and "perception"

Here also we see the abstraction-proned derivation towards the "higher" mind capacities over the basical ones... Just "understanding is today more used for rationalising comprehension that for physical, direct sensation...


Medieval Latin sensation-, sensatio, from Late Latin, understanding, idea, from Latin sensus
First Known Use: 1615

in etymology on line:
Look up sensation at Dictionary.com
1610s, "a reaction to external stimulation of the sense organs," from M.L. sensationem (nom. sensatio), from L.L. sensatus"endowed with sense, sensible," from L. sensus "feeling" (see sense). Meaning "state of shock, surprise, in a community" first recorded 1779

So we conclude that today universities and schools are not creating "sensatus", sensible people... just because the orthogonal organization prevents their development.

If shamanism is intended to increase your sensitive awareness within the world, it seems "sensatus" (spanish: sensato) to propose, as a invitation, an increase in interest in shamanism in general by scientists, at least as a minimum tribute for millenia of "forgoten mother-science"...
Perception: in etymology online:
Look up perception at Dictionary.com
late 15c., "receiving, collection," from L. perceptionem (nom. perceptio) "perception, apprehension, a taking," from percipere"perceive" (see perceive). First used in the more literal sense of the Latin word; in secondary sense, "the taking cognizance of," it is recorded in English from 1610s. Meaning "intuitive or direct recognition of some innate quality" is from 1827

At the end, "taking, receiving", that is, something result of millenia of coevolution, where all the ecosystem act as a symbiotic (first sense: living together) system where life is a gift, not a businness... That is, you receive all sensations without working, only you need your familiarization with sensations, in order to know them. Here "know" means already sensing, just because sensing means an act of interacting, where two parts at minimum are considered, as a conversation. Life, or world, is a big conversation, and all the systematic reductionistic, stimulus-response, lineal, dichotomic methods are going to be obsolete soon, we are reaching complexity as a basis for understanding real, actual, living, systems.

receptivity...flow actions where the road is easily marked by coevolved experiences...atractor...
1560s, from L.L. capabilis "receptive," used by theologians, from L. capax "able to hold much, broad, wide, roomy;" also "receptive, fit for;" adj. form of capere "to take, grasp, lay hold, catch, undertake, be large enough for, comprehend," from PIE*kap- "to grasp" (cf. Skt. kapati "two handfuls;" Gk. kaptein "to swallow, gulp down;" Lett. kampiu "seize;" O.Ir. cacht "servant-girl," lit. "captive;" Welsh caeth "captive, slave;" Goth. haban "have, hold;" O.E. hæft "handle," habban "to have, hold;" see have). Related: Capably

Perception and Movement

Confronting the Interaction Between Perception and Movement in Adapted Physical Education

I remember one tv science program, with edouard punset, redes, in which it was clear that movement and perception going together. For you perceive with your eyes something, it is important that you, or what process you are observing being in movement. Process maybe is the key word that going with movement. Just any process imply movement, a dynamic, that rest obsolete, nul inside a formal conventional hierarchical classroo, anyway... Lineal classrooms are spacialy able to understand the "photo-world" or planiland, where statism dominate both, the models, and the reality lived by all learning partners. Lineal models, maybe are not always so static, but always, we may say, are very much static than the real and complex processes that underlying the, necessarily simplistic, model...

In that way we could conclude that dominant classrooms in today world, by number of classrooms in all over thw world, develop actualy a special kind of special education. Patriarcal, lineal, hiearchical students modules, are arranged in a line, in practical ways, just because transversal communication and interaction are almost forbidden, both, by the "law of silence" and the orthogonal laws of parallel lines that compose a conventional classroom, preventing the easy ability of interacting and communicating that is innate to human animals and almost all organisms among maybe 30 millions species and billions and billions of individuals.

Patriarcal so common classrooms, in 21th century, are a special kind of special education, were, in the opposite direction to "special education", the individuals are not enhanced among their abilities. Not, to the contrary, their abilities are going reducing day to next day, month to month, and year to year.

Many of the fundamental inabilities to live in a living world, so much written by ecopsychology, for 21th urban humans, are almost systematicaly derived from the education system.

The question was: are there any educational system in the world we could easily follow for their advantages?

The answer is: Yes, Finnland. And Stop.

Maybe the finnish education system is more efficient than others?

Maybe efficient here means less money, more gaining, more abilities learned, and more easy to survive later?

Yes! I am curious about finnish classroom organization... Anyway there are many info about in internet, and in this blog too.

Cantidad versus Cantidad ¡de relaciones!

En Finlandia, 1º en el ranking mundial en Educación, las matematicas se aprenden tarde, al hilo de la tardanza histórica en el desarrollo de la numeración. Primero surgió el lenguaje, los qualia, los memes, las cualidades, la diversidad de formas, simetrias, dimensiones y ritmos, la diversidad de sensaciones, la diversidad de ventanas y posibilidades de percepción, la riqueza de matices...

Mucho después, las civilizaciones añadieron los números. Es como si para hacer un bebé más inteligente, en vez de música, le diéramos, en su vida embrionaria, cantidad de numeros y matematicas...

Las matematicas atropellan de este modo la sensibilidad occidental, si se les dan antes de tiempo. En vez de ver el paisaje a través de ventanas, los chavales terminan fijándose más en un enrejado espeso de cifras que dificulta grandemente, como una celosía espesa, el aprendizaje gradual y enriquecedor del mundo real, de "ahí fuera". Puedes recorrer miles de kms de naturaleza sin descubrir un sólo número, extasiado con toda la riqueza que devoras, sín números, y con gran fruición.

Los números nos engañan. ¿Acaso estás contando continuamente el número de amigos con los que compartes una fiesta? No, estás disfrutando sin ni siquiera contar el número de viajes que tu mano alcanza el plato de las croquetas, ni el número de veces que las masticas. Los números en verdad lo que nos muestran, no es una cantidad, un punto puntual, como sería la nota de tu examen final, donde lo único que se suele mirar es si está por encima o por debajo de un punto que es el cinco, el aprobado. Eso es una deriva perversa y hartamente simplificadora de la realidad. A más amigos, lo que aumenta no es el numero de personas, no, lo que se incrementa es el numero de posibilidades, de conectancia entre nosotras, de aprendizajes diversos y disfrutones.

Sean ocho amigas en una fiesta.
Una amiga equivale a una biografía.
Una biografía es un número de memes.

Así, una amiga puede ser definida como una MEMA, o conjunto de memes.

Los memes que constituyen la experiencia de un organismo, son su MEMOria.

Nuestra MEMOria se modifica y crece, exponencialmente y continuamente.

Para empezar, somos seres infinitos en una sensosfera infinita, de infinitas sensaciones.

Transfinitos de Borges que así bajamos de la higuera de "lo imposible" y los hacemos tangibles, sensibles, perceptibles, luego verdaderos, verdad fenomenologica como experiencia consciente.

Las conexiones sensoriales que mantenemos con la sensosfera son también transfinitas.

Claro que hay que situarse ¿es tu caso? en un entorno transfinito de miradas arbitrarias de un aula circular, donde cada cual tiene acceso direct e instantáneo a cualquiera de los demás simplemente girando esa maravilla de tecnología cervical llamada cuello.

Pues inclso estando dentro de un aula cerrada sensorialmente a la calle o al jardin, y con las ventanas incluso cerradas y acortinadas, seguimos viajando sensorialmente en el seno de los números transfinitos, si es que las sillas están en U o en círculo, como afortunadamente hacen en educación especial de la UMA, según me contaron el otro día, tres muy vivas alumnas, tras asaltarlas ( encuestarlas) en un aula de informatica. Todas las clases, me dijeron, las dan en "U". Ya no es ninguna utopía, pues, si en la UMA hay profalumnas que comparten el cien por cien de sus clases en apertura total visual, lo otro, "las aulas del pasado", según "la crónica universitaria" que es un periódico de la UMA, son megaGURKAS, donde la función "idolatría" y o "ADORACIÓN", SIGUEN TAN PATENTES, patriarcalmente hablando, como en la más tierna infancia de nuestra judeocristiana religion.

¿empezamos con treinta? vale..., cada cual "adolece" de 800 millones de neuronas en las dos retinas sumadas. 30 por 800 son 24 mil millones de neuronas retinales. Y que conste que nos abstraemos, y por tanto super simplificamos, todo nuestro arsenal sensorial y comunicacional, solamente a los ojos, que no son poco!

24 mil millones de neuronas, ¡dirigidas! hacia todas las direcciones. Es la magia de la U o del circulo. Que mira hacia "dentro" de él, y hacia "fuera". Los limites estos son borrosos, por ello entrecomilladas están.

24 mil millones de neuronas continuamene atareadas y entretenidas, que no aburridas, ni (etimolgicamente derivada) aborrecidas.

24 mil millones de neuronas (tengo pendiente contar sus mitocondrias eh!) que interactúan y por tanto, son muchisimas más.

Si las combinaciones posibles entre nuestras neuronas (unipersonales) es ya superior al número de átomos del universo...

Supongo que a alguno le desbordará tanto numerazo, pero recuerde, quizás sea porque osté anda de vez en cuando atareado con "numeritos", con números esclavos de nuestra cotidianidad, que suelen ser mucho más pequeños que los transfinitos que dominan tu biologicidad. ¿Qué pasa entonces? que puede que estos bloqueos transfinitos, tengan esa causa, la domesticacion captalista de todo es igual a un numero, pero ¡esclavo!

Así, pues, podriamos definir dos clases de numeros, o mejor dicho, dos maneras de comernos, o disfrutar los números. Como puntitos fijos, puntuales, solos, a lo lar go de u na lí nea, (mundo 1.0) o bien, como nubes gigantescas de posibilidades de interrelaciones.

Cuando el capitalismo odiaba las relaciones. Tanto en la fábrica, como en el aula (1.0), estába prohibido hablar (con el otro) El otro, se invisibilizaba de tal modo que a lo mejo durante años no llegas a hablar con algun vecino ni una sola palabra, con algun compañero de clase, con algun compa de trabajo... Pero aún así, la sensosfera es tan transfinita que no pasa nada en la practica, ya que con alguna mirada que hayais compartido hay tantas neuronas en juego que la informacion ha sido espléndida, mucho más de lo que nuestros prejuicios, basados en la antigua ciencia, nos lleven a imaginar.

Así, cada número, se redescubre a sí mismo, en su multidimnsionalidad de relaciones o relacional.

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Qué es Comunicación, información o mensaje?

Creo que ya va siendo hora de plasmar en estos conceptos toda la heuristica 2.0 que desde hace tiempo impera en sociología (de segundo orden: Ibáñez) y en cibernética (de segundo orden) donde ya muere lo bipolar, dicotomico, dirigido, de "emisor" y "receptor". Si tu eres, al mismo tiempo, en cada instante de tu vida, como cualquier organismo, o pieza de un sistema o ecosistema, TANTO RECEPTOR, como EMISOR, debe haber forma de habrir la wikipedia en un futuro próximo y no encontrarse estos anacronismos, ¿o no?

mandelbrot define por lo visto "mensaje"

y luego quiero mirar ese menda muy citado en cuanto a la globalizacion de las comunicaciones. cuyo nombre tengo en la punta de la lengua... ya me acordaré, o tú...

así, moviendo el esqueleto básico de la bipolaridad o unidireccionalidad, a la multipolaridad o multidireccionalidad, si podemos enfrentarnos y degustar con éxito a la sensosfera, en la que hay conjuntos o nubes de sensaciones, anidadas en el ecosistema, en interacción continua y diversa. Y si eso se puede disfrutar y se disfruta, ¿por qué no se va a poder disfrutar desde la Ciencia también?

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011

Ensoñar Sueños Lúcidos




Parálisis del Sueño Occidental

Dr. Jorge Conesa is a neurocognitive and biosemiotic researcher who has experienced sleep paralysis since 1969. He has published his research on sleep paralysis since 1995 and recently reported the findings of a ten-year longitudinal study about this sleep syndrome, the longest study tracking sleep paralysis to date. Dr. Conesa approaches this fascinating sleep experience and resulting lucid dreams from personal-developmental and scientific perspectives. Prior to his research, Dr. Conesa, like many other sufferers of sleep paralysis, did not know the name or cause of these uncanny and surreal dreamscapes he experienced.

As part of the present book and ten-year longitudinal study, Dr. Conesa has included the experiences of many other sleep paralysis sufferers as well--their narratives and answers to questionnaires. He has summarized the scientific work about this mysterious sleep disorder, for example, looking at the commonality between the sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming experience on one hand and the so-called extraterrestrial alien abduction phenomenon on the other. While trying to explain the link between these seemingly diverse experiences, Dr. Conesa employs Freudian and Jungian dream descriptions and hypotheses, the philosophy of aesthetics and the juxtaposition of the former explanations with respect to shamanic practices and interpretations of dreaming.

Part of the data presented in this book includes a proposal about psycho-geographical and psycho-geomagnetic distributions of "ghost" stories, dream attacks, and other SP related phenomena. Dr. Conesa has argued that these psycho-geographical zones seem to correlate with geodynamic areas such as the Pacific "Ring of Fire" region where an increased number of cultural names for SP and its frequencies are reported (his "ring of fire" hypothesis).

Finally, the book provides sleep paralysis sufferers with practical suggestions for coping with their disorder in positive ways that induce the creative aspect of lucid dreaming by introducing the method of Sleep Paralysis Signaling (SPS).

Today searchs in our fussion within sensosphere

the role of sami in scandinavian quality of life
the role of sami in finish sixter culture
las sociedades ejemplarizantes son noreuropeas, indígenas, y de escasa historia de domesticación
el mundo segun casiari, ké pechá reí, nos amos a aplicar a europita, la chikilla rewuerta en su pre pubertad

desembocando de funcionalmente (fecha de caducidad civilizacional programada segun la masa critica de esclavos, versus voces despertando y vociferando...) en la triple Ah! la autopista (planiland), las jaulas (planiland) y los textos planos (planiland)

The impact of sami communal culture in actual educational scandinavian systems! the talking circle, that in Guatemala seems a exotism, in these Top-countries had been adopted early in classrooms

Main diferences betwwen scandinavian education and elsewhere...

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Emergencia reflexional


rizoma Fundación en el citywiki de Arqitectura UGR


Las redes sociales que nos parieron


Prisonner is not the dilema, but the 1.0 scientist brain itself


Maybe 1.0 scientist brain is parallel to all parallel lines she lives in their everyday lives (see conesa too). In ths way parallel multiverse is but a neurosemantic by product, of the orthogonal dominant structure in a 1.0 scientist life...

In this way, the platonian prison is embodied, thru your own experiences in physical world dominated by orthogonal structures where you becomes another piece more of a orthogonal metastructure (as a big city from very high in the space), making easier to reproduce that orthogonality, that create another diferent system. Is as the car that in a curve in the road, try to follow the right line, and go out from the road.

In this way, 1.0 scientist comes from a biocultural and epistemological origin. The dichotomy between god as infinite being, and you as a finite one.

The finitude don't exist in nature, and or life.

Ressources in planet are no at all finite, only fractal, and infinite, if you see nature with creative glasses, okey?

Fnite 1.0 scientist brain was clearly manifest thru scientific papers where the only actor was the brain, and the body was relegated to a permanent denial, as a clear show of the abstractionist process denounced by Erich Fromm and Conesa Sevilla. 1.0 scientist brains are magic "only-brain" creatures, flowing in a neurosemantic cloud at may be thousands kilometers from common sensing...

Volver a las fuentes. El Chamanismo como Ecología Política

(copio los apuntes automaticamente vomitados sobre un muy sugerente artículo de Jorge Conesa Sevilla, cnectando semiotica, biosemiótica, ecosicologia y jung, resultado de uno de los más recientes "clic productivos", más impresora. Fue encontrarlo en la nube bbb, (www en andalús), y lo volqué a la impresora para devorarlo-degustarlo penita pudiera. Lo tenía en el despacho, y esta mañana me to có (en los ds sentidos)... lean si lesa pe...) http://www.ecopsychology.org/journal/ezine/archive2/singularization.PDF

el rechazo del tambor,
vaticano - psammi,
el invento de la caja
prohibicion usa esclavos/as,

tambor y autogestion musical,
por qué será que prohiben lo más facil?
no será que precisamente es más facil porque forma parte de nuestras memorias neurosemanticas?

danzar o no danzar, o casi...
de la danza cortesana a la danza del vientre
(peli juana la notan loka)

un humano agil, agiliza tambien sus pensamientos,
(redes, mexicano, conexion, ejercicio corporal, ejercicio cerebral,

Una brecha sur- (flechita) norte invisibilizada por la idolatría 1.0 del progreso, como vector unidireccional, lineal, y agudamente dicotómico - bipolar?

El chamanismo como simplesiomorfía bio cultural,
de donde derivan las religiones institucionalizadas,
y las ciencias con ellas co domesticadas,

El cha como religion natural (el chaman Melquiseder),

Disciplinas y metadisciplinas,
Reduccionismo vs holismo o complejidad

el orfanato epistemologico en las ciencias sistematicas y o divisivas, hoy día las menos, al menos por la importancia tan significativa, de los procesos de irrupción contagiosa, horizontal, entre y hacia dentro de numerosas metadisciplinas, llamadas así en cuanto a su intencion epistemologica y explicita de abrirse más y cerrarse menos...

abduction of modernity (vía gugel)

De descartes pensando de el (su cerebro), para el (su cerebro)
a la fenomenologia de segundo orden (embobada y embebida = embodied and embeded fenomenlogy) donde ecosistema, pueblo, y cuerpo, estan explicitamente incorporados como sujeto global escalonado en tres dimensiones. chao solipsismo, güellcoming ensimismamiento o rapture en inglés.

Desde un punto de vista epistemologico, diferentes artículos recientes, desde la fenomenología y la biosemiótica, o la sicología analítica de jung, apuntan decisivamente hacia una convergencia radical con la epistemología del chamanismo, por un lado, con la ecologización de disciplinas antes alejadas del contexto ecosistémico, y por otra parte con la mecánica cuántica.

En un artículo así, si no existieran los hipertextos, sería imposible narrar un poco de toda esta revolución matristica que vivimos en las ciencias de punta de lanza. Si el valor de una cultura se mide por algo, es por el acervo cultural. En este artículo, no solo invitamos al chamanismo sino también al tesoro de nueva ciencia, muy permeable a los buscadores de la web, que ha salido de las llamadas mejores revistas científicas del planeta y, que sin duda es fruto, a traves de internet y de la globalizacion de personas con personas físicas que se han mezclado en gran parte del planeta, así como de la revolución "rosa" multicultural, que podriamos resumir en la "Nueva Era". Y a la que a veces solo se le mira como una perversión. Claro que sí, la nueva era ha sido, ante todo, una perversion de creencias anidadas que han saltado por los aires. La revolucion rosa de la nueva era ha cambiado a la humanidad occidental. Y seguro que esos cerebros emergentes han podido desarrollar esta cacharreria hiperconectante de la web 2.0. El chamanismo ya se había colado entre bastidores, como siempre, haciendo de las suyas. La abduccion sería el penultimo tabu de occidente. Redescubierta por Peirce, en el XIX, es devorada por la gente de inteligencia artificial, es decir, la base del diseño de esta cacharrería. También la caja de los truenos del chamanismo habíase explotado en el cerebro izquierdo de Edmundo Husserl, en andalús, para las amigas, "jurrel", que suena como jurel. Y es nuestro amigo campero de la UNED, javier sanmartin, quien más clarito no lo podía decir, ¡y encima en sus propios títulos de libros! ¡Y encima en el unico libro sobre jurrel de la biblio de ciencias de la UMA! ¿Saben como se llama? "La fenomenología de Husserl como racionalidad fuerte". Otro: "la fenomenologia de husserl. una utopía de la razón". Y la clave costaba cogerla al principio, pues la fenom. de jurrel ha triunfado en el xx contagiando a muchas pensadoras. Pero al mismo tiempo dice sanmartin que es la "filosofía secreta" (o algo así) del siglo XX. Mucha gente dice: "Es muy complicada"...

La "epojé" o "apogeo" (insight memético de nuestra compañera A.E), es el insight, el fogonazo, las estrellitas, el volcán que te hace pararte, tras digerir un ensimismamiento sensorial, con cualquier singularidad, o cosa a tu alrededor, y decir: ¡chapó!

Ahí la abduccion, alquimiza lo que te tragaste percibiendo eso, con una idea, pero vaya idea!, una idea "gancho", que es fácil de recordar, después, y que, por lo pronto, ya te ha hecho mella, alimenando de camino tus circuitos de neurotransmisores de LPT (Potenciación de tu sensibilidad a largo plazo), endorfinas en acción...

Desde la neurociencia, neuronas espejo, neuronas conversantes, ecolocación, reprductibilidad neuronal adulta, redes lpd, lpt

Desde la psicologia, mathieu ricard: "el cerebro contento" (redes 60 de rtve), psicologia positiva de cizenmihalyi, teoría de las inteligencias multiples,

Desde la cibernetica, la cibernetica de segundo orden

Desde la sociologia, la sociologia de segundo orden de ibañez

Desde la fenomenología, la embodied and embeded fenomenology,

Desde la diversidad biocultural y la conservacion simbiotica, la simbiodiversidad

Desde la microbiología: comunicacion linguistica e inteligencia social en bacterias

Desde la practica cotidiana en crisis, inmuebles okupados, ropa y teindas gratis, reciclar comida de mercados y supermercados, compartir vehiculo, incremento huertos, incremento consumo de verduras asilvestradas

Desde la biología, Lynn Margulis

Me cuesta trabajo encasillar la teoria gaya. Podríamos decir, desde gaya? pues gaya!

Ah!, no, desde gaya, la sensosfera, cuando se mira desde tos ojos a gaya, ese rostro que percibes, cada día, mires a donde mires, esa es gaya, claro, pero tu ves un cacho de gaya cada vez, un fractal, que percibes vía la sensosfera, ese utero sensacional de sensaciones continuas en concierto co operativo milmilenario, donde tu eres una de esas muñequitas rusas dentro de otras.

desde la gricultura industrial en crisis, retomando de nuevo los camellos en India, versus tractores. Además, decían, cuando se dejan solos, incluso se reproducen y a la siguiente temporada hay más! Qué es eso que tendrá la vida, que se reproduce sola...

desde el aceite frito, al depósito de la furgo no hay nada, solo un tranquilo filtro microporo y cuarto y mitad de ajustes

desde las ciencias de la salud, profusion de medicalidades alternativas durante decadas, multicultural, barata, eficiente, multigeneracional, y aún una raya en el agua en muchas universidades. Tú! UmMa, Despierta!

Desde la web 2.0, que crece y se metamorfosea a un ritmo tan trepidante que cualquier modelo explicativo sería incapaz de aproximarse a priori.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Cazando por cazar, frases en la nube


North-South divide, and why not the contrary?

North-South divide

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The updated view of the north-south divide. Blue includes G8 states and developed/ first world states.

The North-South Divide is a socio-economic and political division that exists between the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as "the North", and the poorer developing countries (least developed countries), or "the South."[1] Although most nations comprising the "North" are in fact located in the Northern Hemisphere (with the notable exceptions ofAustralia and New Zealand), the divide is not wholly defined by geography. The North is home to four of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and all members of the G8. "The North" mostly covers the West and the First World, with much of the Second World. The expression "North-South divide" is still in common use, but the terms "North" and "South" are already somewhat outdated. As nations become economically developed, they may become part of the "North", regardless of geographical location, while any other nations which do not qualify for "developed" status are in effect deemed to be part of the "South."[2]




The idea of categorizing countries by their economic and developmental status began during the Cold War with the classifications of East and West. The Soviet Union and China represented the developing East, and the United States and their allies represented the more developed West. Out of this paradigm of development surged the division of the First World [the west] and the Second World [the east] with the even less developed countries constituting the Third World. As some Second World countries joined the First World, and others joined the Third World, a new and simpler classification was needed. The First World became the “North” and the Third World became the “South”. [3]

Problems with defining the divideEdit

Latitudes of states vs GDP per capita

Following the fall of the Soviet Bloc, which was commonly referred to as the Second World, many of its constituent countries were reclassified as developing, despite being geographically northern. At the same time, geographically southern nations previously considered "developing," such as the East Asian Tigersor Turkey, have joined the modern First World, but are classified inconsistently in maps showing the North-South divide.[citation needed] Similarly, dependencies of developed nations are also classified as Southern, although they are part of the developed world.[4].

On an ideological level, some development geographers have argued that current concentration on the North-South divide as the main organizing principle for understanding the world economy has overlooked the role of inter-imperial conflicts between the United States, Japan, and Europe.[5].

Defining developmentEdit

Being categorized as part of the “North” implies development as opposed to belonging to the “South” which implies a lack thereof. The north becomes synonymous with economic development and industrialization while the South represents the previously colonized countries which are in need of help in the form of international aid agendas [6] In order to understand how this divide occurs, a definition of “development” itself is needed.

The Dictionary of Human Geography defines development as “[p]rocesses of social change or [a change] to class and state projects to transform national economies".[7] This definition entails an understanding of economic development which is imperative when trying to understand the north-south divide.

Economic Development is a measure of progress in a specific economy. It refers to advancements in technology, a transition from an economy based largely on agriculture to one based on industry and an improvement in living standards.[8][9]

Other factors that are included in the conceptualization of what a developed country is include life expectancy and the levels of education, poverty and employment in that country.

The NorthEdit

Organisations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), generally agree that the group of developed countries includes the following countries/regions:[citation needed]

Countries described as high-income and advanced economies by the WB and IMF



European Union and European Free Trade AssociationEdit


Other G8 MembersEdit

Brandt LineEdit

The Brandt Line is a visual depiction of the North-South divide, proposed by German Chancellor Willy Brandt in the 1980s. It approximately encircles the world at a latitude of 30° N, passing between North and Central America, north of Africa and India, but dipping south so as to include Australia and New Zealand in the "Rich North".

Digital divideEdit

The global digital divide is often characterised as corresponding to the North-South divide, however it is interesting to note that Internet use, and especially broadband access, is now soaring in Asia compared with other continents. This phenomenon is partially explained by the ability of many countries in Asia to bypass older Internet technology and infrastructure, coupled with booming economies which allow vastly more people to get online.

Development gapEdit

World map indicating the countries' Human Development Index in 2010 (Source: 2010 Human Development Report).
> 0.784 (Very High)
0.677–0.784 (High)
0.488–0.676 (Medium)
no data

The North-South divide has more recently been named the development continuum gap. This places greater emphasis on closing the evident gap between rich (more economically developed) and poor (less economically developed) countries. A good measure of on which side of the gap a country is located is the Human Development Index (HDI). The nearer this is to 1.0, the greater is the country's level of development and the further the country is on its development pathway (closer towards being well developed), exemplified well by Walter Rostow's model of development and the Clark Fisher model.[citation needed]

Theories explaining the divideEdit


Capitalism leads to inequality: the capitalist ideology relies on the constant motivation to produce capital accumulation. The nature of capitalism leads those countries with a comparative advantage (developed) to accumulate capital through dispossession or in other words to take capital from those less advantaged (un-developed/developing). This accumulation by dispossession leads to the unequal developmentthat feeds the North-South divide.[10]


Globalization as the leading cause for global inequality: globalization enhances social and economic gaps between countries, since it requires economies and societies to adapt in a very rapid manner, and because this almost never happens in an equal fashion, some nations grow faster than others. Rich countries exploit poorer countries to a point where developing countries become dependent on developed countries for survival. The very structure and process of globalization perpetuates and reproduces unequal relationships and opportunities between the North and the South, it tends to "favor the privileged and further marginalize the already disadvantaged".[11]


Uneven immigration patterns lead to inequality: in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries immigration was very common into areas previously less populated (North America, Australia, New Zealand) from already technologically advanced areas (United Kingdom, Spain,Portugal). This facilitated an uneven diffusion of technological practices since only areas with high immigration levels benefited. Immigration patterns in the twenty-first century continue to feed this uneven distribution of technological innovation. People are eager to leave countries in the South in attempts to better their life standards and get their share in the prosperity of the North. “South and Central Americans want to live and work in North America. Africans and Southwest Asians want to live and work in Europe. Asians want to live and work in North America and Europe”.[3]

Closing the divideEdit

Some would argue that free international trade and unhindered capital flows across countries will lead to a contraction in the North-South divide. In this case more equal trade and flow of capital would allow the possibility for developing countries to further develop economically.[3]As some countries in the South experience rapid development, there is some evidence that those states are developing high levels of South-South aid.[12] Brazil. in particular, has been noted for its high levels of aid ($1 billion annually - ahead of many traditional donors) and the ability to use it own experiences to provide high levels of expertise and knowledge transfer.[12] This has been described as a 'global model in waiting'.[13]

The United Nations has also established its role in diminishing the divide between North and South through its Millennium Development Goals. These goals seek to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development all by the year 2015.[14]

See alsoEdit


  1. ^ S-Cool! - GCSE Geography Revision - Quicklearn
  2. ^ North–South divide
  3. ^ a b c Reuveny, Rafael X. “The North-South Divide and International Studies: A Symposium.” International Studies Review 9.4 (2007): 556-564. Academic Search complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Oct. 2009. <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf?vid=2&hid=12&sid=0e1fde42-af75-45ea-bd90-bdf571d6ea2a%40sessionmgr10>
  4. ^ Therien. J.P, (1999) Beyond the North-South Divide: the two tales of world poverty. Third World Quarterly. Vol 20. No. 4. pp723-742
  5. ^ Corbridge, S., (1986), Capitalist World Development. MacMillian, see esp. sec. 5.3
  6. ^ Preece, Julia. "Lifelong learning and development: a perspective from the ‘South’" Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 39.5 (2009). 23 Oct. 2009.<http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/03057920903125602>
  7. ^ Gregory, Derek, Ron Johnston, Geraldine Pratt , Michael J. Watts, and Sarah Whatmore. The Dictionary of Human Geography. 5th. Wiley-Blackwell , 2009. Print.
  8. ^ Economic development “implies progressive changes in the socio-economic structure of a country […] [a] change in technological and institutional organization of production as well as in distributive pattern of income”
  9. ^ http://www.economics4development.com/
  10. ^ Harvey, David. Notes towards a theory of uneven geographical development
  11. ^ Kacowicz, Arie M. "Globalization, Poverty, and the North–South Divide." International Studies Review 9.4 (2007): 565-580. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Oct. 2009. <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdf?vid=1&hid=12&sid=367df3b7-0f9b-4e9e-b30c-8d4044a4d932%40sessionmgr10>
  12. ^ a b Cabral and Weinstock 2010. Brazil: an emerging aid player. London: Overseas Development Institute
  13. ^ Cabral, Lidia 2010. Brazil’s development cooperation with the South: a global model in waiting. London: Overseas Development Institute
  14. ^ http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/

External linksEdit