ردود الفعل: ثورة، تطور، ارتداد
Cybernetics has grown learning from living systems.
Living systems are living in landscapes, where living processes ocurrs ignoring any barrier between "Living" or "not Living".realms. Organisms make themselves a dynamic frontier within living and not living. Certain Bacteria Do have sleep during millions years inside Salt Rocks. Tardigrada may survive in physical circumstances letal for many other organisms...
Cybernetics was born as the science of control and communication.
The second cybernetics put the emphasis in feedback and in Homeorrhesis, as an active process for recreating and evolution of organisms, and structures. They are possitive feedbacks which don't stabilize the system, but on the contrary, allows it to cross new roads in ist development and evolution.
With mobil phone revolution, we see how interaction in communication is independent of any fixed point in space, allowing and faculting agents for a better and continuous feedback.
Assembly is an idea well acompassed with the real natural processes of communication.
We tend to forget that when we say "society", for describing the subject - object of Reality, we are ignoring almost all the world!
In fact Earth is inhabited by millions and millions of diferent kind of societies.
Biosphere is a multisociety. Each species or group of individuals is a society.
Cybernetics within Ecosystem makes Ecology Science, and viceversa: Cybernetizing a discipline and Ecologizing it is almost the same.
In ecosystem we are able, humans and not humans, of share space and ressources. Human society adquire it category when humans are actually aware of multisocietal Biosphere.
Animal Husbandry is a good example to take us now this sense of mutualisms that shape Life.
Mutualism needs previously the coexistance and convivial of diferent organisms toguether.
And, in the same way, Symbiosis, needs previously of a time of mutualism between diferent organisms.
It is very interesting that the term for FeedBack come from "To eat" or to nurture.
It is a parallel with "Sabor" and "Saber", in spanish, italian... puting in it point our physical biological "pre-cognition" processes, as animal-observers...
What it is here merging is our human belonging to a multisocietal system shaping territories and landscapes.
In these landscapes beyond living organisms you could see, and touch, the transformed material memory of a miriad of organisms which became now Calcareous Rocks.
In many ways these rocks are alive because they have dynamic lives, changing their structure and comosition with time, as in Karsts.
Anyway these rocks are nurturing the next soils, feeding thus plants and other organisms.
At diferent speed all ecosystem is dynamicaly changing, and at a great scale, all Earth-System conform a fluid changing system.
Second cybernetics share it roots with the historical bases of (participatory) democracy.
Ecclessia means assembly.
The circle of dance is already accepted as the older church or and assembly.
And the talking circle is curiously rescued and used today in modern conferences for a easier and friendly contact with colleagues.
second Cybernetics, as measured by the quality of feedbacks, have in front, "three Promised Lands", to contagiate:
Politics.- The possibilities are infinite, the changes are coming
Mass Media.- The possibilities are infinite, the changes are coming
Universities.- The possibilities are infinite, the changes are coming
Internet (2.0) Do Is the great anarchist Revolution.
Internet 2.0 is a great assembly where all people have their way to talk and participate.
Curiously enough, Corporations, for their success in internet, they have been propelled twards anarchist levels of transparency, that have been demonstrated as the most fluid and easy way of (auto) governing ourselves.
feedback (n.) 
1920, in the electronics sense, from feed + back (adj.). Transferred use, "information about the results of a process" is attested by 1955.
biofeedback (n.) 
also bio-feedback, 1969, from bio- + feedback. Said to have been coined by U.S. psychologist and parapsychologist Gardner Murphy (1890-1975).
assembly (n.) 
c.1300, "a gathering of persons, a group gathered for some purpose," from Old French as(s)emblee "assembly, gathering; union, marriage," noun use of fem. past participle of assembler "to assemble" (see assemble). Meaning "gathering together" is recorded from early 15c.; that of "act of assembling parts or objects" is from 1914, as is assembly line. School sense is recorded from 1932.
control (v.) 
early 14c., "to check, verify, regulate," from Anglo-French contreroller "exert authority," from Medieval Latin contrarotulus "a counter, register," from Latin contra- "against" (see contra) + rotulus, diminutive of rota "wheel" (see roll (n.)). From a medieval method of checking accounts by a duplicate register. Sense of "dominate, direct" is mid-15c. Related: Controlled;controlling.
mid-14c., from Latin contra (prep. and adv.) "against," originally "in comparison with," ablative singular feminine of *com-teros, from Old Latin com "with, together" (see com-) + -tr, zero degree of the comparative suffix -ter-.
Cybernetics has grown learning from living systems.
Living systems are living in landscapes, where living processes ocurrs ignoring any barrier between "Living" or "not Living".realms. Organisms make themselves a dynamic frontier within living and not living. Certain Bacteria Do have sleep during millions years inside Salt Rocks. Tardigrada may survive in physical circumstances letal for many other organisms...
Cybernetics was born as the science of control and communication.
The second cybernetics put the emphasis in feedback and in Homeorrhesis, as an active process for recreating and evolution of organisms, and structures. They are possitive feedbacks which don't stabilize the system, but on the contrary, allows it to cross new roads in ist development and evolution.
With mobil phone revolution, we see how interaction in communication is independent of any fixed point in space, allowing and faculting agents for a better and continuous feedback.
Assembly is an idea well acompassed with the real natural processes of communication.
We tend to forget that when we say "society", for describing the subject - object of Reality, we are ignoring almost all the world!
In fact Earth is inhabited by millions and millions of diferent kind of societies.
Biosphere is a multisociety. Each species or group of individuals is a society.
Cybernetics within Ecosystem makes Ecology Science, and viceversa: Cybernetizing a discipline and Ecologizing it is almost the same.
In ecosystem we are able, humans and not humans, of share space and ressources. Human society adquire it category when humans are actually aware of multisocietal Biosphere.
Animal Husbandry is a good example to take us now this sense of mutualisms that shape Life.
Mutualism needs previously the coexistance and convivial of diferent organisms toguether.
And, in the same way, Symbiosis, needs previously of a time of mutualism between diferent organisms.
It is very interesting that the term for FeedBack come from "To eat" or to nurture.
It is a parallel with "Sabor" and "Saber", in spanish, italian... puting in it point our physical biological "pre-cognition" processes, as animal-observers...
What it is here merging is our human belonging to a multisocietal system shaping territories and landscapes.
In these landscapes beyond living organisms you could see, and touch, the transformed material memory of a miriad of organisms which became now Calcareous Rocks.
In many ways these rocks are alive because they have dynamic lives, changing their structure and comosition with time, as in Karsts.
Anyway these rocks are nurturing the next soils, feeding thus plants and other organisms.
At diferent speed all ecosystem is dynamicaly changing, and at a great scale, all Earth-System conform a fluid changing system.
Second cybernetics share it roots with the historical bases of (participatory) democracy.
Ecclessia means assembly.
The circle of dance is already accepted as the older church or and assembly.
And the talking circle is curiously rescued and used today in modern conferences for a easier and friendly contact with colleagues.
second Cybernetics, as measured by the quality of feedbacks, have in front, "three Promised Lands", to contagiate:
Politics.- The possibilities are infinite, the changes are coming
Mass Media.- The possibilities are infinite, the changes are coming
Universities.- The possibilities are infinite, the changes are coming
Internet (2.0) Do Is the great anarchist Revolution.
Internet 2.0 is a great assembly where all people have their way to talk and participate.
Curiously enough, Corporations, for their success in internet, they have been propelled twards anarchist levels of transparency, that have been demonstrated as the most fluid and easy way of (auto) governing ourselves.
[CITAS] Synthesis of feedback systems
IM Horowitz - 1963 - orton.catie.ac.cr
... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference Signatura : 629.83; H6. Autor : Horowitz,
Issac M. Título : Synthesis of feedback systems. P.imprenta : New York : 726 p.nam.
Existencias : 7a. Temas : Sistema de control por retroalimentación. ...
Issac M. Título : Synthesis of feedback systems. P.imprenta : New York : 726 p.nam.
Existencias : 7a. Temas : Sistema de control por retroalimentación. ...
[CITAS] Multivariable feedback control: analysis and design
S Skogestad, I Postlethwaite - New York, 1996
[LIBRO] Force and touch feedback for virtual reality
G Burdea, GC Burdea, C Burdea - 1996 - hitl.washington.edu
From: greg . Subject: PUB: Force and Touch feedback for Virtual
Reality. Received(Date): Wed, 17 Jul 1996 11:44:38 -0400. FORCE & TOUCH FEEDBACK.
FOR VIRTUAL REALITY. Grigore C. Burdea. John Wiley & Sons, approx. ...
Reality. Received(Date): Wed, 17 Jul 1996 11:44:38 -0400. FORCE & TOUCH FEEDBACK.
FOR VIRTUAL REALITY. Grigore C. Burdea. John Wiley & Sons, approx. ...
Corrective feedback and learner uptake
R Lyster, L Ranta - Studies in second language acquisition, 1997 - Cambridge Univ Press
Abstract This article presents a study of corrective feedback and learner uptake (ie,
responses to feedback) in four immersion classrooms at the primary level. Transcripts
totaling 18.3 hours of classroom interaction taken from 14 subject-matter lessons and 13 ...
responses to feedback) in four immersion classrooms at the primary level. Transcripts
totaling 18.3 hours of classroom interaction taken from 14 subject-matter lessons and 13 ...
[PDF] Feedback control of dynamics systems
GF Franklin, JD Powell, A Emami-Naeini - Pretince Hall Inc, 1986 - schulich.ucalgary.ca
2. Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, you will be able to:-model physical systems
from physics principle and derive their transfer functions; v determine analytically system
response to polynomial and sinusoidal inputs; 0 determine performance regions in ...
from physics principle and derive their transfer functions; v determine analytically system
response to polynomial and sinusoidal inputs; 0 determine performance regions in ...
[CITAS] A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum
DB Leeson - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1966 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is common to treat+(t) as a zero-mean stationary random process describing deviations of
the phase from the ideal. The frequency domain information about phase or frequency
variations is contained in the “power” spectral density Sd (o,,,) of the phase+(t) or, ...
the phase from the ideal. The frequency domain information about phase or frequency
variations is contained in the “power” spectral density Sd (o,,,) of the phase+(t) or, ...
Continuous control of chaos by self-controlling feedback
K Pyragas - Physics Letters A, 1992 - Elsevier
Abstract Two methods of chaos control with a small time continuous perturbation are
proposed. The stabilization of unstable periodic orbits of a chaotic system is achieved either
by combined feedback with the use of a specially designed external oscillator, or by ...
proposed. The stabilization of unstable periodic orbits of a chaotic system is achieved either
by combined feedback with the use of a specially designed external oscillator, or by ...
The role of the hippocampus in feedback regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis
L Jacobson, R Sapolsky - Endocrine reviews, 1991 - Endocrine Soc
Abstract Introduction THE hippocampus has received considerable attention as a potential
regulator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. After the demonstration by
Harris' laboratory (1) that the hypothalamus could affect adrenocortical function, ...
regulator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. After the demonstration by
Harris' laboratory (1) that the hypothalamus could affect adrenocortical function, ...
Energy charge of the adenylate pool as a regulatory parameter. Interaction with feedback modifiers
DE Atkinson - Biochemistry, 1968 - ACS Publications
ABSTRACT: The energy charge of the adenylate system, half of the average number of
anhydride-bound phosphate groups per adenine moiety, has been proposed as a metabolic
regulatory parameter. For several reactions that participate in biosynthesis or other ...
anhydride-bound phosphate groups per adenine moiety, has been proposed as a metabolic
regulatory parameter. For several reactions that participate in biosynthesis or other ...
[HTML] Climate sensitivity: Analysis of feedback mechanisms
We study climate sensitivity and feedback processes in three independent ways:(1) by using
a three dimensional (3-D) global climate model for experiments in which solar irradiance S0
is increased 2 percent or CO2 is doubled,(2) by using the CLIMAP climate boundary ...
a three dimensional (3-D) global climate model for experiments in which solar irradiance S0
is increased 2 percent or CO2 is doubled,(2) by using the CLIMAP climate boundary ...

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