Un editorial del periódico defiende a Merkel de las comparaciones con Hitler y critica la cultura política del sur de Europa
ELPLURAL.COM | 25/03/2013
Durísimo editorial del diario alemán Die Welt contra los gobiernos del sur de Europa como el de Mariano Rajoy. En un artículo firmado por Ulrich Clauss se critica que se produzcan manifestaciones antialemanes en países con una clase política propia de una dictadura del Tercer Mundo y se apunta también a la falta de cultura política de los ciudadanos de países “como España, Italia, Grecia y Chipre”.
El editorial, titulado Una cuestión de decencia, se lamenta del aumento de “mensajes groseros” contra Alemania y la proliferación de caricaturas de Angela Merkel con bigotes hitlerianos en los países del sur de Europa, según recoge El Economista.
Agitación política
“El mecanismo funciona como en un libro de texto de agitación política”, explica el editorial, que señala el hecho de que las élites que impulsan estos mensajes son las mismas que tienen que gestionar “la bancarrota política y económica” en dichos países. Y pone como ejemplo a Italia y a Silvio Berlusconi, que maneja la mayor parte de medios de comunicación en el país transalpino.
Clauss también asegura que esa influencia sobre los medios vale para no buscar las causas reales de la “miseria” en estos países, sino para justificarla con una corriente de “anticolonialismo” dirigida contra Alemania. Además, el redactor dice que la canciller Merkel no puede hacer mucho en esta situación, porque el pasado alemán aún está muy reciente como para no caer en la tentación de recurrir a “caricaturas alemanas”.
Nivel tercermundista
El editorial entonces se ceba con la cultura política de los países meridionales: “Por ejemplo, en cuanto a la corrupción endémica en el Gobierno y la Administración, en prácticamente todos los partidos del espectro parlamentario, estos países se sitúan al nivel de una dictadura del Tercer Mundo”.
“Una palabra extranjera”
También señala que en Italia, España, Chipre o Grecia “la palabra buen gobierno parece ser una palabra extranjera”, y apunta que “hasta ahora nadie se atreve a decirlo abiertamente: la división entre la cultura política del norte y del sur de Europa es extrema”.
Por Ulrich Clauss Es muy acostumbrados, pero no quiero acostumbrarme a él. Cada vez que se derrumba en el sureste de Europa una economía de deuda, aparecen imágenes de lo feo alemán. En Grecia, España, Italiay ahora Chipre. También desde Malta, Los presuntos candidatos próximos quiebra, se puede escuchar por adelantado grosero anti-alemán tono. Posters Merkel con bigote de Hitler están los mensajes amistosos que recibimos de todos aquellos países donde la pérdida de puestos de trabajo y los riesgos generales de la pobreza hacen que la gente busca chivos expiatorios. (Publicado en alemán en Die Welt: http://www.welt.de/print/die_welt/article114733340/Eine-Frage-des-Anstands.html y traducido via Google)
El mecanismo funciona como el libro de texto de la agitación política.Instruyó a los alemanes regaños son las personas en el cinturón sur con diligencia crisis por las mismas élites que tienen que responder por la quiebra económica y política de su país. Particularmente bien esto funciona cuando los propios medios que incluye, como es el caso en el caso de Berlusconi e Italia. Pero este tipo anti-alemán de alianza público y los medios dirigidos indignación pública también trabaja con la propiedad distribuida. Al parecer demasiado grande la tentación en muchas salas de redacción, la élite del país es hablar con la boca y en la corriente principal de un "anti-colonial" dolor fantasma para ocultar la verdadera causa de las relaciones de su miseria.
¿Qué se puede hacer por parte del gobierno alemán en contra de esta propaganda? Probablemente no mucho. El pasado alemán en muchos países es todavía suficientemente presente para siempre búsqueda caricaturas alemana por el poder de traer de vuelta a la vida. Sólo hay heridas que se curan cualquier momento. Por lo menos en este país, sino para tener una visión clara, sin duda ayuda a ganar en todo sobriedad sobre el estado de la cultura política en los países del sudeste europeo claridad cinturón crisis. Como por ejemplo, la propagación endémica de la corrupción en el gobierno y los órganos administrativos, en casi todas las partes del arco parlamentario, estos países la clasificación en el área de las dictaduras del Tercer Mundo.Son todos y cada uno de los estados donde el "buen gobierno" parece ser una palabra extranjera. Aunque hasta el momento nadie se atreve a decirlo abiertamente: la política cultural de división norte-sur en Europa es extrema. ¿Qué se puede esperar, sin embargo, es que al menos en este país una flauta de liquidez flautista no se reproducen en los países en crisis.
In the latest twist in an unusually public academic dispute, one of the world’s most influential and highly regarded anthropologists resigned in protest from the prestigious National Academy of Sciences in late February. In quitting the academy, Marshall Sahlins took aim in part at the work of fellow anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon, whose contentious memoir, Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes—The Yanamamö and the Anthropologists, was recently published by Simon & Schuster. But his action is also a skirmish in a much longer and very important debate over what it means to be human—a debate with consequences for the broader public discussion.
The academy says that principled resignations like Sahlins’ are “rare”—so rare that the only precedent anyone could identify was famed Harvard biologist and geneticist Richard Lewontin’s 1971 departure in protest against NAS military work related to the war in Vietnam. In the 1960s Sahlins himself was helping to launch campus teach-ins against the Vietnam War and to raise issues about the relationship of anthropology to the military.
Sahlins initially tried to resign last year in May, after Chagnon was named to the NAS, then again in October, when he received a request sent to all eighty-four anthropologists at the academy for advice on two research projects aimed at making the military more effective. The request arrived at a time when a controversy was already smoldering in the field about anthropologists’ involvement in implementing the Human Terrain Systems counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq (the October request for help appears unrelated to HTS). The academy had indirectly been involved in military research since the allied National Research Council was established in 1916 specifically for military research. But Sahlins objected to any NAS involvement in projects such as the two proposed in October. One focused on “contextual factors that influence individual and small unit behavior,” and the other sought scientifically valid methods, including any suggested by neuroscience, for improving individual and group military performance.
The publication of Chagnon’s memoirs prompted a third, successful attempt at resignation. Sahlins had objected to the NAS admitting Chagnon—formerly at the Universities of Michigan and of California at Santa Barbara, now at the University of Missouri—because of the quality of his research and his ethics in the field. Sahlins is also critical of both the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of sociobiology, more often referred to now as evolutionary psychology. A minority of anthropologists adopt its viewpoint. But many non-anthropologists—such as Richard Dawkins, Stephen Pinker, and Jared Diamond—have used the work of Chagnon and like-minded anthropologists to reach a large audience.
Fundamentally, this group of writers and researchers see biology as destiny. They argue that biological evolution defines human nature through the inheritance of traits that provide individuals with a reproductive advantage—that is, with more offspring.
In the late 1960s Chagnon worked among the Yanomami people living on both sides of the border between Venezuela and Brazil. He portrayed the Yanomami—which he dubbed “the fierce people,” for their frequent inter-village warfare—as living in a “state of nature” essentially like that of our Paleolithic ancestors. And he claimed to present evidence that men who were “killers” had many more offspring—which, even when he occasionally hedged, others took as proof that evolution favored and preserved traits for male aggression and violence.
Anthropologists, including Sahlins, have since criticized nearly every aspect of Chagnon’s research. (See “Natural Born Nonkillers.”) For example, many note that other tribal people have relatively peaceful, cooperative cultures. Research from various perspectives also runs counter to Chagnon’s argument that evolution rewards killers with more offspring—including computer simulations of evolution, studies of animal behavior showing that killing within a species is rare, even military studies of how men in combat try to avoid killing others. In any case, critics say, the Yanomami were not in a pristine state of nature when Chagnon first visited: they had a history, including likely displacement from their original land by pressures from European colonial settlers and some continuing contact with the wider world that led to the acquisition of a few trade goods. There were many more charges that his data were flawed. To take one example, Chagnon categorized Yanomami men as killers or not killers based on their own classification as unokai or not unokai. But the term identifies a man who has gone through a purification ritual, which was used by both real “killers” and by men who, say, had employed sorcery.
In 2000 journalist Patrick Tierney published Darkness in El Dorado, which accused Chagnon of spreading fatal diseases (like measles) through his collaboration with geneticist James V. Neel, of fomenting some of the inter-village fighting, and other ethical offenses. The American Anthropological Association established a taskforce that dismissed some of Tierney’s most lurid charges but concluded that Chagnon, among other lapses, did not get informed consent from Yanomami research subjects and may have improperly delayed immunizations he and Neel were providing. At its convention, the AAA adopted the taskforce’s report and criticisms, but later Chagnon’s supporters moved to rescind the report largely on procedural grounds. With only 10 percent of members voting, the AAA reversed its endorsement of the report—which Chagnon backers inappropriately claimed as the profession’s vindication of his work.
Sahlins first weighed in against sociobiology in the mid-1970s with The Use and Abuse of Biology, but he has continued to pursue many of the same critical themes in recent books, such as What Kinship Is—And Is Not and The Western Illusion of Human Nature. He argues that human nature is culture—that is, the learned values, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that social groups follow or believe they should follow, as well as the capacity to change those ideas passed from previous generations. Culture—and not some special features of biological evolution, like a carnivore’s teeth or the short beak of a seed-eating bird—provides humans with a flexible, varied means of adapting to a wide and changing variety of circumstances.
Homo sapiens evolved biologically and mentally from our hominid ancestors over several million years within the context of the hominid tool-making culture. “What evolved was our capacity to realize biological necessities, from sex to nutrition, in the thousand different ways that different societies have developed,” Sahlins says. “Hence, culture, the symbolically organized modes of the ways we live, including our bodily functioning, is the specifically ‘human nature.’”
Sahlins argues against the sociobiologists’ neo-Hobbesian view of human nature as a war of all against all—with a brutal, competitive nature clashing with culture. This view of human nature has deep roots in Western cultural traditions, he writes, but it also projects a more modern capitalist view of self-interested, even selfish, behavior on both humanity and the rest of the natural world. In many other societies, people do not see the same sharp division between nature and culture. And all human societies have systems of kinship, which Sahlins defines as “mutuality of being,” meaning that “kinfolk are members of one another, intrinsic to each other’s identity and existence.”
“Symbolically and emotionally, kinfolk live each other’s lives and die each other’s deaths,” Sahlins says. “Why don’t scientists base their ideas of human nature on this truly universal condition—a condition in which self-interest at the expense of others is precluded by definition, insofar as people are parts of one another?” Sahlins cites a classic definition of kinship first developed by Aristotle: kinfolk are in various degrees other selves of ourselves.
Moreover, this kinship is not biological. There are many ways besides birth that societies have developed notions of mutual being, Sahlins says. For example, in the highlands of New Guinea, strangers can become your kin by eating from the land where your ancestors are buried. The food raised on that land is in effect the transubstantiation of the ancestors. Accordingly, people who eat from it share ancestral being. In the local conception, they are as much kin to each other as people who have the same parents.
In the West, and even in much anthropological writing past and present, kinship is treated as genealogy, or biology. But even biological reproduction, Sahlins argues, takes place within the context of a particular kinship system, and to reproduce children is to reproduce that culturally defined kinship order. And in most cultures, notions of kinship diverge, often dramatically, from our “folk theory,” with its emphasis on biological genealogy. In any case, all human societies exist within some framework of “mutuality of being,” which starkly contrasts with the view of human life run by selfish genes.
In an email interview, Sahlins responded to a few questions about his resignation, incorporating some passages from his recent writings.
DM: You offered two reasons for your resignation from the National Academy of Sciences. Starting with the election of Napoleon Chagnon to the NAS, what were your most important objections to that election—the quality of his scholarship, professional ethics in the field, or other issues?
MS: He deals in caricature: of the people he studies, of science, of anthropological theory, of fellow anthropologists, and of himself as a beleaguered “fierce person.” His vicious misrepresentations of Yanomami as savage and disgusting have, as many local scholars have pointed out, aided and abetted national and entrepreneurial forces anxious to exploit and pollute their land and, directly or indirectly, drive them to extinction. Likewise, his own fieldwork methods have contributed to the sufferings and destabilization of the Yanomami (as I discussed in an article for the Washington Post).
The idea that the Yanomami represent the primordial human condition of the Stone Age is preposterous. Why them and not the numerous other, quite different societies—including many, such as Australian aboriginals, with just as modest economies but a quite different social order and inter-group relationships? In fact, all have long histories, including dynamic relations with other societies, that remove them as far from the Paleolithic as modern nations. Moreover, as other studies of Yanomami show, they have a richness of oral tradition (so-called mythology), a spiritual pantheon, and a metaphysics of culture and nature that is virtually totally ignored by Chagnon where it is not simply dismissed.
Compared to the rich fieldwork of many Amazonian anthropologists, his ethnography is shallow. His generalizations are sophomoric. His thesis about the reproductive success of Yanomami warriors, contradicted by his own data, has been thoroughly refuted by others. His evolutionary anthropology is from the ancien régime, outdated by almost a century.
DM: You argue that “biologism” is the problem, that “human nature is culture,” and that Western thought in general is dominated by the idea that there is a conflict between a disruptive human nature and vulnerable culture. How would you address a predictable layperson’s view that surely human nature must be at least in part an independent biology as well as culture? What essential qualities, if any, do you think “human nature” may have if it is indeed defined in terms of culture?
MS: Yes, all cultures have sex, aggression, etc., but whether and how it is expressed is subordinate to the cultural order. Sociobiologists say that individuals achieve immortality by having many children, but apparently no one ever told that to the Catholic clergy. The important point is not that all cultures have sex, but that all sex has culture, that is, social norms that specify with whom, how, where, and when sexual relations are appropriate or inappropriate. Culture preceded modern human physical form by a million years or more. The body of the modern human species, Homo sapiens, was formed under the aegis of culture. What evolved was the ability and necessity to realize our bodily needs and dispositions in cultural forms.
Biology became the dependent variable. These needs had to be subordinate to and encompassed by their cultural forms of expression, otherwise how could the same needs or dispositions be realized in the thousands of different ways known to history and ethnography—the various cultural ways of having sex, eating, being aggressive, and the like? As Clifford Geertz put it, we “all begin with the natural equipment to live a thousand kinds of life but end in the end having lived only one.” That can only be if our natural dispositions were subject to cultural ordering rather than the source thereof.
For over two thousand years, Western people have been haunted recurrently by the specter of their own inner being: an apparition of human nature so covetous and contentious that unless it is somehow governed it will plunge society into anarchy. Indeed, by the twentieth century the worst in us had become the best. In the neoliberal view, self-interest in the form of each person’s pursuit of happiness at the cost of whom it might concern was a god-given right. The insatiable love of the flesh that for Augustine was slavery became “freedom” itself. Likewise, then, political Augustinism has been reversed: self-interest having been transformed from slavery to liberty, the least government is now the best. Although for neoliberalism the ancient vice of self-love is greatly to be desired, in other native anthropologies it remains a potentially fatal quality of the human make-up.
DM: Given the harsh criticism of Chagnon’s work by the American Anthropological Association, the leading professional academic organization in the field, how do you account for the NAS decision and for the apparent popular appeal of his work, such as suggested by two recent, highly sympathetic articles about him and his new memoir in the New York Times?
MS: NAS decision? I am not sure, but I believe that many members, those who elected him, have a natural science sense of anthropology, as archaeologists almost have by necessity, and Chagnon promotes himself under that description. Popularity? Mostly on college campuses, I would think, from his textbooks and movies, which resonate with certain popular undergraduate preoccupations: sex, drugs, and violence. America.
DM: You also said that you were resigning because the NAS was supporting social science research on improving combat performance of the U.S. military. To what extent is support for such military-related research a new or growing development within the NAS?
MS: Since resigning I have learned that the NAS, with its charter of research for the nation, engaged in secret military research as far back as the Vietnam War, and who knows how much before or since. At least one prominent scientist, the extraordinary biologist Richard Lewontin, has resigned from the NAS for that reason. Professor Lewontin did so in 1971.
DM: You suggest that NAS should instead, if it does anything in the field, study how to promote peace. Do you have any suggestions about what sort of research would be useful for anthropologists or others to pursue to that end?
MS: What are the consequences of attempts to forcefully impose democracy on societies with no such traditions? Especially, how does the imposition of “winner-take-all” democratic elections in ethnically divided societies exacerbate violence, as has happened time and again in many postcolonial societies in recent decades? How does the reframing of local differences in terms of international issues, backed by opposed international forces, create a virtual state of nature, as happened in Iraq, India, Sri Lanka, and many other similar situations, going back to the encompassment of local disputes in the opposition between democratic-imperial Athens and oligarchic Sparta in the Peloponnesian War? (See “Iraq, The State of Nature Effect.”)
DM: Finally, do you see any connection between your two reasons for resigning or are they independent motivations?
MS: There is a connection: it is referenced in one of my answers in a Counterpunch article by David Price. The premise of American overseas aggression, according to Donald Rumsfeld and others, is something like the line in the movie Full Metal Jacket: “inside every gook there is an American trying to get out.” All we have to do to liberate this innately freedom-loving, self-interested, democracy-needing, capitalist-in-waiting is to rid him of the oppressive, evil-minded regime holding him down—by force if necessary. That is, Chagnon’s view of self-aggrandizing human nature is the sociobiological equivalent of the neocon premise of the virtues of American imperialism: making the world safe for self-interest. It is the same native Western ideology of the innate character of mankind. A huge ethnocentric and egocentric philosophy of human nature underlies the double imperialism of our sociobiological science and our global militarism.
David Moberg is a senior editor at In These Times.
(nota del jocoso bloguero editor: Un cuarto de neurona de innovación, bastaría para revolucionar el asqueroso sistema de transporte "de pensamiento único", no saben donde pueden meter el co2 que nos sobra, que si en las peridotitas de Omán,y nos enseñan, en el mismo documental de la dos,canadiense, autopistas de 18 cariles llenos a rebosar,y se enorgullecen del auténtico terrorismo de estado (¡Iala! Jueza Laya!),de que el éxodo asfáltico semanasantero es el mayor del año,al menos suelen ir medio llenos de ocupantes,como tenemos grabadas tantas horas,dias y años de camaras callejeras,podemos medir la eficiencia del asfalto, por el numero relativo de plazas vacías, las contabilizamos,para las distintas comunidades sufrientes,por cierto tengo curiosidad extrema por verle la cara a Méxiko,léase ciudades, y para volverlas cuidades, y ACABAR CON ESTE DESHAUCIO PLANETARIO, DENUNCIAMOS como terorismo de estado, tras prevaricación y prevaricaión con colmo, paralelo de inconsciencia permisiva, haciendo especial hincapié informativo, en aquellas cuidades, que los resultados obtenidos, su grado de cuidad, así lo aconsejen) (FIN DE LA NOTA DEL NOTA)
El chef Ferran Adrià impartió hoy una conferencia en la ETSI de Informática y de Telecomunicación de la Universidad de Málaga, en el marco de la gira “Innovación y Talento” 2013 que, de la mano de Teléfonica, recorre un total de 15 universidades españolas.
Durante su ponencia ha hablado sobre creatividad e innovación contando su experiencia en el restaurante elBulli, considerado durante un lustro como el mejor del mundo, y ha compartido con los jóvenes algunos de sus nuevos proyectos, como el elBulli Foundation o la Bullipedia. A través de su discurso ha animado a los jóvenes a emprender e innovar, facilitándoles casos de éxito y mostrando ejemplos de países que han invertido en innovación y se han convertido en referentes.
La rectora de la UMA, Adelaida de la Calle, que ha estado presente, ha manifestado que en este acto se unen tres instituciones como son la Universidad, Telefónica y el propio Ferran Adrià, “para todos juntos transformar, innovar y crecer”.
El objetivo de esta iniciativa es transmitir a los jóvenes la idea de que en las Universidades se encuentra el talento que liderará en el futuro la transformación e innovación. Tanto Ferran Adrià como los ponentes de Telefónica quieren provocar una llamada a la acción alrededor de la innovación y la transformación, transmitiendo a los jóvenes que las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones juegan un papel fundamental como nueva fuente de crecimiento del país.
La gira “Innovación y Talento” 2013 es, además, un nuevo paso en la estrategia que Telefónica está desarrollando para acercar y captar talento entre los jóvenes. Los alumnos de las universidades de Málaga, Sevilla y Almería podrán escuchar la experiencia del mejor chef del mundo, conocer las iniciativas de innovación de Telefónica y las que promueven el talento joven y universitario como Talentum, Wayra y Think Big. Esta gira se inició el pasado año y recorrió las Universidades de A Coruña y Valencia. Es una iniciativa surgida bajo el programa de Telefónica "Juntos para transformar".
Having visited hundreds of economic development associations around the
country along with many chambers of commerce as I franchised my business
in 23 states, I can recall numerous groups promoting the fact that they
had their transportation and distribution systems within their county
or city all figured out, where everything was streamlined, and they
called that an advantage to anyone relocating into their area. In fact,
it was usually in the brochures and promotional material of the economic
development committees and chambers. Okay so let's talk about all this
for a second shall we?
Estas son las tendencias de Twitter esta semana.
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Con @pacogonzalez @latamuda y Diego Dutra en el debate de Ciudad P2P del
#P2PWikisprint. Aquí, en directo: http://t.co/laFZtNidOD #GlobalP2P
LIVE - thinkcommons.org
Streaming Maratón: 12 horas en directo para el #p2pwikisprint + presentación de
#bat_2013. Live a partir de las 12h30 (hora de
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Ponemos pegatinas en las casas de gobernantes que nacionalizan pérdidas y privatizan
beneficios porque somos unos hijos de puta.
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Peter A. Victor has created a scenario in which Canada's GDP
decreases so that it has a smaller ecological footprint, but has less
unemployment and poverty in 2035 than in 2005. The key seems to be
a redistribution of wealth. See: P.A. Victor. (2012). Growth,
degrowth and climate change: A scenario analysis. Ecological
Economics 54: 206-212.
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (UK and Ireland)
Biennial Conference, University of Surrey, 29-31 August 2013
Ecological Encounters: Agency, Identity, Interactions
Confirmed keynotes:
Mike Hulme (University of East Anglia)
Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University)
Catriona Sandilands (York University, Canada)
Call for Papers
As Timothy Morton reminds us in The Ecological Thought (2010), to acknowledge the
countless co-habitants of the 'mesh' that is our environment is to recognise them as
different from us. But the notion of separateness and difference in the moment of
encounter is crucial to thinking not just about the inter-connectedness of human and
nonhuman beings, but about our very co-existence as humans with the many discursive
and material units that make up our so-called reality. These include the 'facts' of
'science', the 'inspiration' of 'poetry', and the 'beauty' of 'nature'. To clarify
Karen Barad's terms, the many co-habitants and constituents of our material and
discursive worlds have agential separability rather than agency: they are known to
us, and, indeed, we are known to ourselves, in moments of coming together. It is
only within these encounters that we can know or recognise the (human or nonhuman,
material or discursive) other; their agency (and ours too) only exists in-and is a
product of-that moment, along with the knowing or the recognition that occurs within
It is for such reasons that, in his analyses of scientific discourse and practice,
Bruno Latour recommends that we think of quasi-objects, quasi-subjects, and
discourses as actants, as agents that are constantly translating, mediating, playing
roles. It is in such a vein, too, that one reads Catriona Sandilands's theorisation
of identity as only ever existing in 'agonal' performance, underlining the
importance of confrontation in producing identity. Thus, we propose that it is in
such a spirit that we should consider the many discourses-literary,
poetic, rhetorical, scientific-that circulate around and through environmentalism,
ecology, and ecocriticism: these make themselves known to us as the encounters of so
many discursive and material units and identities.
We invite papers that consider questions of agency, identity and interaction (or
intra-action) in ecological thought and ecocriticism, as well as in adjoining
studies of the sociology of science and of cultural geographies. We are keen also to
encourage the spirit of encounter and interaction with disciplines and discourses
beyond literary and cultural criticism, such as human geography, environmental
history, and science and technology studies (S&TS).
Topics to be covered may include (but need not be restricted to):
- New materialism and intra-actions
- Science and technology studies (S&TS) and ecocriticism
- Human/cultural geographies and ecocriticism
- Histories of the discourses of science and/or environmentalism
- New directions in ecofeminism, e.g. material feminism
- Emergent ideas in ecocriticism
- The nature/culture boundary in literary and other discourses
- Discourses of ecological crisis, including climate change, species extinction, and
biodiversity loss
- The new nature writing
- The deconstructive turn in environmentalism
- Ecopoetics and identity
Please send abstracts of up to 250 words for 20-minute presentations to the
conference organisers at asle2013@surrey.ac.uk by 31st March 2013. Conference
updates will be accessible via the ASLE-UKI website: www.asle.org.uk.
We may seek to publish a selection of conference proceedings in our journal Green
Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, now relaunched and published in association with
The University of Surrey is in the county town of Guildford, about 30 miles outside
London. Its beautifully landscaped campus is well situated in view of the rolling
hills of the Surrey countryside. The natural environment is an important part of
university life: the campus's focal point is its lake, Terry's Pond, with its many
breeds of waterfowl, while the campus as a whole boasts an outstanding collection of
tree varieties from around the world. The University of Surrey holds sustainability
at the heart of its agenda, from a long-standing Corporate Sustainability Group
through to setting itself an agenda to contribute to the 'triple bottom line', i.e.,
the point where economic, social and environmental objectives integrate.
Please note: ASLE-UKI biennial conferences will now run in odd-numbered years, which
is why this 2013 conference follows immediately from our 2012 conference at the
University of Worcester.
Experience deep self-discovery and connection to more than you thought possible. This seminar workshop includes in-class learning with hypnotic induction ...
You've all learned a lot about state control and will know the first principle, 'you go there first' and then you take the other person with you. How exactly do you ...
Spiral-bound monograph, 21 pages. Written by Robert's brother, Michael, this booklet explores the relationship between third-generation NLP and the shamanic...
Healing with Energy Medicine, Shamanism and NLP ... According to Villoldo, there is a lot of commonality between NLP and shamanism, especially in the area ...
Certification Training in Neuro-linguistic Programming, ... growth trainings focused on creating health body, mind and spirit, sharing ancient shamanic wisdom.
This workshop is open to those trained in NLP, and as a minimum have done the "Keys to Success" 2-day NLP training. The Shamanic Journey day and Osho's ...
preferences with all the courses that can be related to belly dance (Aromatherapy, Bach Flowers, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Shamanism, Coaching, Sufi ...
L Aldred - The Journal of Popular Culture, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
... is a wide and burgeoning number of practices associated with the New Age, including interests in shamanism, Native American ... Evelyn Oliver, a NeuroLinguistic Programmer, advertises herself as “the ultimate business strategist.” (NeuroLinguisticProgramming has proven ...
TE Gilmore - American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2001 - ajh.sagepub.com
... art, music, poetry, and dance/movement therapies; hypnother- apy; interactive guided imagery;
medi- ation; neuro-linguisticprogramming; relaxation; spiritual ... health care practice—tradition-
al medicine in Latin America; Native American medicine; and shamanism; (5) manual ...
... and soul need to be taken care of and therefore special exercises have been conceived and
adapted from Shamanism, Hawaiian traditions ... All in all the neuro-linguisticprogramming has
become an important way for people to learn communication skills and how to develop ...
WA McDowell, GF Bills… - Journal of Counseling & …, 1989 - Wiley Online Library
... REFERENCES Achterberg, J. (1985). Imagery in healing: Shamanism and modern medicine.
Boston: New Science Library/Shambhala. Amado, AN (1988). ... Dilts, RB (1983). Applications of neuro-linguisticprogramming. Cupertino, CA: Meta. de Shazer, S. (1985). ...
KM Bovbjerg - Journal of Contemporary Religion, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
...Neuro-LinguisticProgramming (NLP) is a therapeutic method that draws its
inspiration from many tendencies within psychology, Gestalt therapy, hypnotherapy,
body therapy, neurology, shamanism, etc.2 2. The research for ...
... Richard is the recipient of the 2004 Neuro-linguisticProgramming World Community Award in
Education; the author of Archetypal Explorations (Routledge, 1996) and multiple articles.(more). ...
(1982). Reframing: Neuro-LinguisticProgramming and the Transformation of Meaning. ...
WD Clark, R Horwitz, B Lutz - Science of Whole Person Healing: …, 2004 - books.google.com
... 5. Alternatives: Emotional/mental approaches a) Psychotherapy/neuro-linguisticprogramming
b) cellular memory & neuro-cellular therapies (Caroline Myss: Your biol- ogy is your biography)
c) visualization & meditation d) hypnotherapy/biofeedback e) Shamanism f) Herb ...
BLS Hoffman - Innovative Interventions in Psychotherapy, 2006 - books.google.com
... Many therapeutic trends, old (shamanism) and new, have developed such techniques. ... Mind-body
therapies like, Hypnosis, NLP (NeuroLinguisticProgramming), EMDR (Eye Movement
Desensitization Reprocessing), Focusing and Somatic Experiencing have developed many ...